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Late Adulthood and End of Life Paper

Essay by   •  October 19, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,594 Words (7 Pages)  •  2,433 Views

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Late Adulthood and End of Life Paper

Late adulthood is the stage of life that every human looks forward to. It's a rewarding time for the many years of sacrifice, working, and daily schedules. When analyzing late adulthood and the death of humans as a conclusion of the life span development process one must understand late adulthood consists of. This paper will give a brief view of ageism and stereotypes associate with late adulthood. This paper will explain how health and wellness techniques in the late adulthood stages can mitigate the negative effects of aging. As people age their social views and experiences decreases in interactions and relationships with individuals, as he or she nears end of life. This paper will also discuss thoughts of individuals when approaching

the end of life; individuals have cultural and personal attitudes about death and dignity in late adulthood. Health and wellness in late adulthood Aging is inevitable faze of life, a fact that cannot be ignored. As individuals age the

human body experiences many physical and mental changes. Aging or senescence represents

these changes that the human body goes through which diminishes the body's capacity to regenerate making it vulnerable to illness and disease (Berger, 2008). According to Berger (2008), "Gerontologists distinguish between primary aging, the universal changes that occur with senescence, and secondary aging, the consequences of particular diseases" (p. 620). The aging

process is known as senescence. Ageing is a process that for century's scientist have tried to

reverse or even stop. According to Charles (2009) website the proven daily super antioxidant

supplement OPC Factor formula is known to slow the aging process, increase my energy, improve my circulation, and help prevent heart disease and blood sludge (Charles, 2009). People cannot stop the effects of aging but there are alternatives that can help ease the process.

The alternative measures that individuals can make to slow down the process of aging is often a process that are connected to them the an addictive behavior, such as smoking, drinking, drug abuse, laziness, and unhealthy eating habits. Once an individual eliminate unhealthy activities from their lifestyle, they can begin living a healthier life and slowing down the process

of aging to their Skelton structure. The physical changes associated with aging are typically gradual with noticeable declines in hearing, vision, taste, and smell (Mesa Community College, 1997). In addition to the decline in sensory functions, elderly individuals experience more prominent health concerns such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a decrease in lung function. More serious illness that individual that is in the late adulthood experience is cancer,

high blood pressure, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. Also they experience Loneliness from losing a spouse and friends, Inability to independently manage regular activities of living, Social isolation as adult children are engaged in their own lives, and Financial stresses from the loss of

regular income. These factors can have a negative impact on overall health of an older individual. There is several organizations that are available to assist senior in locating activities and financial assistance in all these areas. By staying active in your early and middle adulthood

with curve the aging process into late adulthood. Ageism and Stereotypes When examining ageism and stereotypes associated with late adulthood is defines as ones prejudice or discrimination that occurs on the basis of age. According to an article provided by Net Industries (2011), "Ageism occurs throughout society in varying degrees, in television, advertising, movies, stores, hospitals, and jobs" (p. 62). Society often views an individual who is in the late adulthood stage as being inactive and a decrease in faculties, which is often incorrect.

The Dickerson (2011) website states that there has been an increase in healthier active senior

citizen from 1981 to 2005. There are more individuals who have continued to work pass the

retirement age, which had increase from the age of 60 to 65 and now 70. According to an article

provided between age and job performance, despite the common stereotype that productivity declines with age. Indeed, research reveals that some intellectual functions may even improve with age" (p. 62). Often older adult are treated as a burden or as a unproductive citizen, because of a stereotyping mentality. Another area that is linked or stereotype with the late adulthood stage is death or dying, when in fact death come at any age. Viewpoints of death and dying How an individual view death can surly differs from person to person and their experiences with death. An individual who may have never actually had an experience with death may not have a defined opinion on the topic of death. People in the early stages of life may

not actually understand the permanence of death and may not understand until early adulthood.

Generally children and young adults believe that people get old and then they die and



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