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Life Span Development and Personality Paper

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Life Span Development and Personality Paper

PSY/300-General Psychology

March 15, 2012

Life Span Development and Personality Paper


Samuel Leroy Jackson is a motion picture performer and movie producer. Jackson's numerous characters developed Jackson as a unique performer with premier achievements as a performer with movie audiences, causing tremendous ticket sales, and acquiring numerous awards during the course of his professional occupation. This paper functions to analyze the life duration, personality, and development of Samuel Leroy Jackson difficulties, and collective reinforce structure that will be researched for the impact on Jackson's developmental progression, abnormal psychology, cognitive appraisal, and effects of heredity. The environment on his psychodynamic perspective theory and relational theory will be reflected upon, and in addition rationalizing Jackson's exceptional personality and past addiction. What can individuals discover from psychological theories and development (Samuel Jackson Biography, 2012)?

Heredity and Environment

Jackson origin is from the city of Washington, D.C from where his mother Elizabeth Jackson relocated to Chattanooga Tennessee with relatives. Elizabeth took employment as a manufacturing employee and afterward Elizabeth established an occupation as a provisions purchaser for a mental institution. In addition to his family Jackson father resided in the city of Kansas City, Missouri with just a few visits with Elizabeth and Samuel and subsequently perished from a state of alcoholism. Jackson originally concentrated on an academic degree in Marine biological science; he enrolled into Morehouse College the historical Black male college in Atlanta, Georgia. Jackson found fascination with acting tutorials that influenced a pursuit to change over his field of study (Samuel Jackson Biography, 2012).

The assassination of Atlanta Martin Luther King, Jr. caused Jackson and quite a few additional undergraduates detain delegates of the Morehouse College board of directors on the campus grounds, persistent on restructuring the college core curriculum and leadership actions. Morehouse ultimately decided to modify the college guidelines and procedures; nevertheless Jackson became implicated, and ultimately found guilty of illegal detention, a misdemeanor felony. Morehouse temporarily prevented Jackson from continuing his education for two years pertaining to his illegal past offensive conviction. Jackson during this suspended time became a participant with the black power organization but afterward discontinued because of his mother influence, in despite of the fact Jackson afterward resume his education at Morehouse to earn his degree in Drama (Samuel Jackson Biography, 2012).

Jackson emerged in moderately a small amount of broadcasting programs, and made his showcase motion picture introduction in the independent industries. Subsequently with these preliminary parts, Jackson relocated to New York City and resourced his talents in the theatrical profession that was a development in his beginning cultural performance period. Unexpectedly Jackson established a heroin, cocaine addiction, and an addiction to the consumption of alcohol.

Jackson resume after the interruption to perform in small segments in motion pictures after his problems again in the course of the completion of the motion pictures, Jackson's substances addictions had aggravated (Samuel Jackson Biography, 2012).

Subsequently overdosing numerous occasions with his drug of choice heroin, Jackson converted to the stimulant cocaine. Consequently Jackson relatives expressed division and inserted him into a post-operative rehabilitation facility. An accomplishing aim at returning to a normal state of health and mind, Jackson evolution as a special actor into the film industries became internationally established; escalating Jackson is the world's supreme earning performer, earning over seven billion dollars in his 68 films (Samuel Jackson Biography, 2012).

Developmental Growth

The influences of environmental factors on Jackson personal and professional life started with the abrupt experience of the severity of existence at a youthful age. This compelled Jackson to comprehend that the environment he distinguished was not factual, and the accuracy of his ethical distress pertaining to his perspective on civil rights issues. In addition the problem in Jackson's psychological development standards of behavior, and beliefs concerning what are and is not acceptable for his human character morality. The state of affairs became obvious when Jackson mother sought to self-guard him from the merciless existence of his environment and illegal past problems, which in addition required Jackson to develop his anticipatory coping skills. The devastation of experiencing his absolute threshold to the severity of life, addiction, and racism as a young Black adult forced him to recognize that human anguish caused him to contemplate his generativist, environment, addiction, and anxiety (Robin Kowalski, 2011) (Samuel Jackson Biography, 2012).

Jackson influences of heredity substances abuse may have developed from his genetics or professional life style like a behaviorist perspective because the only meetings with his father was a few insufficient occasions, who was an alcoholic with no influences in Jackson's psychological development. No information established by what means Jackson environmental variables may have played a part in his addictions because substance abuse can produce frequent gratifying conditions and emotions. This considerably overshadows any connected consequences with Jackson situation



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