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Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity

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Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity

Markeisha Munn

COUN 506

Dr. Shanda Smith

November 13, 2011


Integrative approaches to Psychology and Christianity have been characterized to

developed worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and the models that are integrated. The

Process of Integration has been conceptualized into two categories; "The Word" and "The Book

of his Works". There have been integrative relationships between Christian faith and human

knowledge. Your Christian faith is a personal connection that you have developed with God.

Many believe they should justify their personal relationship with God; due to other outside

sources. Human knowledge is the basis of construed information we learn each and every day.

According to Entwistle (2010), many humans had to much a choice of seeking knowledge

through human reason or faith based religion. Many of us believe or practice a foundational

religion, there are some who are atheists or many who are very confused. Our view points of this

world, are either secular thinking or Christian thinking. Many individuals live a life of the being

in "the here and now perspective" or "having faith in God". As a Christian Counselor, it is a

calling hat is more than just a profession. Christian worldviews are awareness of their sin and to

redeem from the sins they have committed. There are objections that o many people think that

psychology and Christianity are not compatible. Integration has been defined as followed, "A

multifaceted attempt to discern the underlying truths about the maturing and functioning of

human beings from the unique vantage points of psychology (in its various sub-disciplines,

utilizing various methodologies) and Christianity (in theology, faith, and practice"), (Entwistle,


Theoretically, it is embark to describe the complexity of Integrative Counseling.

The dedication of proposing that "all truth is God's truth". In a biblical concept, the truth that

many of us deal with is God's truth. In traumatic and emotional events, people are affected by

their physical well-being, their spirit, and they relate to society. In a counselor perspective, there

are self-awareness and lifestyle commitments toward the counseling aspect towards clients.

Human beings beliefs attempt to justify their claims of knowledge. In epistemology, is referred

to how others view what they may think of what God has told them. In society, there are limiting

factors into how human beings interact their knowledge of factors in epistemology such as

thinking and reasoning, being emotionally suppress, cultural difference and presuppositions

Concrete Responses

What differentiates secular from Christian counseling? A personal life episode that

triggered my response to the question; by my character and judgment that others had towards me.

I was enlisted in the Army National Guard and the brigade I was currently in was deploying to

Iraq. There were five thousand guardsmen that deployed in March 2004 to March 2005. It is

very difficult when you are surrounded with other individuals that you many have to depend on

during war mission; do not look out for you or discriminate you. In secular thinking, we perceive

to display a there and now perspective. In the concept of a Christian thinking, many of us have

an eternal well being of an individual. In general, people do not try to see the good in others or

how that you may be a greater impact towards society. As growing up in Christian home, I never

really took the time to think, that the world will view you and dicet you in their relative own

image. There were many failures that I went through in my life. Many skeptics will judge you by

what you have done in the past but not the positive things you are trying to obtain in my life.

The stress of war was very difficult to manage for some of us. You never know exactly when it

will all end. Evidently, it was heart breaking for us to even lose to five soldiers for a horrible

reason to be over there from the beginning. No matter how big or small the number may be; it is

still hard to understand that they will be gone but not forgotten. I always had a fear that if I was

to go back over there again; that I may not come back home safely.

There were so many life changes that reoccur returning back home. I never lost my

faith in God. It was in me but I was not strong in my religion then, than I am now than ever. I

asked God each and every waking moment take care of me from all hurt, harm and danger.



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