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If There Is a Loving, Good, Compassionate God, Why Is There So Much Craziness, Violence, and Suffering in the World?

Essay by   •  April 14, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,005 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,327 Views

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God is known as the almighty one being that created this world. He has created the universe and everything apart of it. Things his created include animals, plants, and human-beings. God is a religious aspect. Most religions have their own interpretations of what and who God is. There are also some religions that have more than one god. God is typically described in the Christianity and Jewish faith as the great men who created this universe and everything inside of it. He is a loving, compassionate, and good God. In today's world right now, there is extremely too much violence and suffering in the world. Knowing that there is a God, and hoping that he wants the best for us humans because he created us, wouldn't you think he wouldn't have any violence or craziness in this world?

This question is probably the most popular philosophical question out there. I believe most people ask this question once in their life. Whether it being when something bad is happening to them or when they see something bad happening in this world. Suffering is a part of life according to the Buddhism religion. They believe that suffering has an origin and it's the noble truth. (pg. 358, Pearson) Suffering occurs all throughout the world. Wars, danger, criminals, and death all relate to the suffering humans have to endure. To my acknowledgement, suffering has occurred throughout history for many years. People deal with it in many ways. Some people usually pray to God and ask for support in overcoming their obstacles. Many people have contemplated over the question whether God really exist, if so why would he allow for so much bad things to happen in the world?

Wars and genocide are two of the most tragic situations that can happen in the world. There have been numerous wars and multiple genocides, where millions of people have suffered their life. During the holocaust, approximately 11 million people died during this huge event. Innocent lives were taken from them in a devastating way. Most people would question why would God allow this to happen, how could he allow young children be sentenced to their death at a young age? Multiple young lives had been taken trying to save their freedom and countries freedom. So many people can argue that war isn't apart of God's plan for this world. That war and genocide are man-made tragedies that occur because of humans bad decisions. Some may argue that there's no choice then war in some occasions. Some pray to God to protect the ones that they love to live. But what makes God decide who should live and who shouldn't? There are many good people that die without doing anything wrong in their lives.

Other tragedies that occur on Earth are natural disasters. Earthquakes, tornadoes, and tsunamis are three of the major events that occur on Earth. Natural disasters are not man-made occurrences and have to be done by mother-nature. These events are usually cause by the order



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