How God Uses Education to Impact the World
Essay by tmheinz • January 23, 2013 • Case Study • 896 Words (4 Pages) • 1,725 Views
A college education is being used by God to fulfill His call on my life. I believe it is getting my focus off my will and on His for my life. He is using this tool to sculpt me into who He has created me to be. Seeing and interacting with other students and Professors is a valuable part of learning to see the different calls on others life's. As I grow to explore this new adventure with Him I am learning about the topics and interest He has gifted me in to be a servant to others.
After graduation, I can envision being a crisis counselor. As he is uniting me to other like-minded believers I will also have an alumni network for friendship and career advice. I hope to grow in the fruits of the Spirit, to know how to submit myself to the Holy Spirit when different situations arise in the future.
Many jobs require a degree, but God's call requires an obedient heart. It's certainly true that having connections can help you get a job, but thanks be to God He opens the doors no man can close and closes the doors no man can open! But if I was following my will I would not need to be in school, having a degree isn't worth anything in God's Kingdom in which I am a citizen of. Look at the Pharisees they were highly educated but did not have a heart that knew God. A College education will have a definite and positive role on your life if it is God's call. Otherwise I believe it is worthless. College education if being led by Christ is a tool He uses to forge us into his image for certain tasks that He has planned for us to do.
Statistics Federal: See noted reference:
According to U.S. Census data, 39.3 percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 had earned a post-secondary degree in 2010. That adds up to 5.9 million people. A year earlier, 38.8 percent of people in this age group possessed an associate, bachelor's, or graduate degree. The half percentage-point increase represents an extra 100,000 or so college graduates.
At this rate, the Obama administration's ambitious goal of having the U.S. lead the world in percentage of college graduates in 2020 appears less feasible. According to a 2010 College Board report, the U.S.ranks 12th among 36 developed countries in its share of adults ages 25 to 34 with a college degree. In the 1980s, the U.S. was the undisputed leader in terms of having a college-educated workforce.
The Cost: See noted reference:
Secular view:
One significant impediment to producing more college grads is the cost of public universities and colleges, the institutions of higher learning attended by the vast majority of Americans. During the past year, according to the federal Department of Education, 40 states have shrunk their financial support for higher education. And over the most recent two years, four-year state