How Christianity and Hinduism Contribute to World Peace
Essay by Nicolas • July 31, 2011 • Essay • 962 Words (4 Pages) • 3,033 Views
How Christianity and Hinduism Contribute to World peace
Violence is ever increasing in today's society. From war, to a fistfight on the street, it's inevitable and we are confronted with it almost daily. As opposed to violence there is peace and peacemakers like Christians attempt to cultivate an environment where it can flourish. Religions are a significant factor in world peace because it is one of the most noticeable groups that become involved in world peacekeeping issues. Christians have developed teachings of peace and peace making from the influence of their scriptures such as the New and Old Testament and encyclicals such as Pope John XXIII's Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris which for the first time where addressed to 'all men of good will.' These were both addressing the need for interfaith dialogue and ecumenism, which is crucial for creating world peace. Christians will not be able to achieve their goal of world peace until they themselves feel at peace. Inner peace is an important part of the Christian tradition if they wish to achieve their goal of making peace in the wider community and eventually the world.
The ultimate goal of the majority of religions is peace; peace in the larger world such as in the Christian religion is highly significant. Some of Christianity's fundamental beliefs stem from the Ten Commandments and these commandments are an example of their desire for peace. These commandments state.
* 'Honor your father and your mother.'
* 'You shall not murder.'
* 'You shall not commit adultery.'
* 'You shall not steal.'
* 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'
Christian teachings on the topic of peace are ultimately from the bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus and the things he did are a model of Christian values, one of the traits of Jesus Christ was his complete care for everyone around him, he didn't push aside the ones who didn't worship or praise him. Even when faced with death he would not fight, he is the ultimate role model for peace. Including the origins more recent things have influenced Christianity and it's teachings on peace. In the world today the landscape holds many opportunities for peace making and this in return has influenced the Catholic Church. In third world countries abundant with starving children the catholic church has set up an organisation called Catholic agency for over sea's aid and development or (Caritas). Caritas holds annual fundraisers like project compassion each year in the hope of raising enough money to help the less fortunate. This movement has become a part of