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History of Ethics

Essay by   •  January 1, 2014  •  Essay  •  360 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,544 Views

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The Civil Rights Act has several components. An employer cannot expect new hires and employees of the organization to know the act. I would post the act on the organizations website. The act would be posted throughout the organization. I would hire a lawyer trained in Civil Rights for compliance, and protection against lawsuits.

I would reach the goal of lawful employment by making sure decisions to hire have been made without regard to the components of the federal acts. Training would include that all employees understand how civil rights laws work. Employees will know the meaning of a protected class, and that a protected class is a group of people who benefit from protection by law. It would be posted on the organizations website that we abide by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Employees would be reminded to visit the organizations Training through the human resource department of my organization would include for the new hires, orientation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. New hires would be given copies of the law, and must recite the law to complete this phase of orientation. All employees must attend scheduled seminars about this law. They face test about the law, and they must pass with reasonable certainty of the law. The law is posted at various points within the organization. All the necessary training will be company provided in class, and online. Employees will respect and want to work for an organization that does not discriminate.

Affirmative Action is a strategy. Its intention, achieve decent employment by urging employers to hire certain groups of people. The groups faced discrimination. Affirmative Action is controversial in part, and law in theory. My organization participates to a degree in affirmative action. I would have training based upon the legality of this action, and how it may or may not affect my organization. The human resource department will do the training. The training will be in conjunction with an attorney competent in legality of Affirmative Action. This



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