Green Energy Technology
Essay by cs0u93ae • January 9, 2016 • Research Paper • 2,661 Words (11 Pages) • 1,563 Views
This paper review that, to which extent implying green energy technology has positive effect on the corporate image. Environmental crisis such as climate change,natural resource depletion, ozone layer depletion has raised environmental awareness on organizational, individual, and governmental levels(Douglas, 2006). Solving the environmental crisis is one of the vital issue in the 21st century(UN 2007). In recent decades customers have realized the destruction being imposed on the environment by the corporate seeking the maximal profit. Corporations have been lobbied by varies consumer pressure organizations and government agencies to implement green strategies(Bateman & Zeithaml, 1983). Therefore, system which concerned with the environmental protection are constantly grown all over the world (Brunoro, 2008). Corporations can devote to environmental protection through becoming green corporations, namely, sustainable corporations. (Porritt & Winner 1988). Daft (2008: 154) states that a sustainable corporation is a corporation that makes profits and meets the demand of the current generation while preserve the environment for their offspring. Based on Overdid Corporation (2008), businesses have become increasingly recognized the importance of green corporate image, as they realized that adopting green energy technology can strengthen reputation, reduce cost, lift staff moral and benefit environment. Sustainable development has become a major focus for businesses, as they discover a huge economic opportunity in protecting environment and in turn they notice the strategic importance to protect the environment and regulate themselves by use green energy technology(Hendry & Vasilind 2005).
Green energy technology
For a corporate, the practices of adopting green energies such as solar power, wind power helps in promoting the green corporate image. Green energy technology is rapidly developing, the new technology means improving energy consuming efficiency and reducing the damage on environment. For instance, Trigeneration (CHP plus refrigeration/cooling), Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Energy Storage are the three important areas with regard to green energy revolution. The three areas are the key fields the green energy revolution devote to evolve in. With the technological development in the three areas, alternative energy could be used such as solar power, wind power, pollution such as CO2 and other pollutants in electricity generate, heat and cooling system.
In terms of solar power. A 1.6 kilowatt PV system will save more than 110,000 pounds of CO2, the chief greenhouse gas, floating in the atmosphere in the next decades. The same solar system will also prevent the cost of burning 80,000 pounds of coal. There's no acid rain, no city fog, no pollution of any kind generated by Solar power.
Green customers
The percentage of British consumers who are interested in green energy technology accounts for 30% of all the British consumers and this affect their purchase preferences.for instance, the green products constitutes at least 5 of the total UK sales. With regard to buy green energy products, according to
In England, there are various green products related organizations, such as has been from the customer pressure groups, e.g. Friends for the Earth, consumer groups, e.g. National Consumer Council, government, e.g. Carbon Trust, and even business, e.g. the Co-operative Bank. This was given a political boost by the publication of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (Stern, 2006).
Products that could use green energy such as cars, white goods (key household appliances (fridges, microwaves, oven, air-conditioner ), brown goods (household electrical leisure appliances such as televisions and CD players), small household appliances (such as electric kettles and bread makers),Laptops and green electricity tariffs
Corporate image
similar to the role of innovation in the environmental management literature, the strategic importance of corporate image and reputation to a firm's competitive advantage and performance has also been remarked upon by RBT scholars such as Barney (1991; Roberts and Dowling, 2002) and by the NRBV advocates who integrated the environmental concern into the management literature on the basis of RBT principles. In this sense, Hart's (1995) seminal work and Hart and Dowell's recent contribution (2010) propose how the strategic capability of product stewardship is linked to a firm's legitimacy and reputation concerning environmental issues. As Chen (2008, 2010) and Walker and Wan (2012) state, firms are forced to enhance their environmental and social management, and in parallel, their green corporate image and reputation. As the movement towards sustainable development becomes more evident, firms will find interesting competitive opportunities in building their “green” images and reputations (Bansal, 2005). Not only the management literature but also marketing scholars have noted the importance of showing the firm's environmental commitment to others. Thus, since the early nineties, green marketing practices (among which we can include those activities related to communication and promotion aimed towards reinforcing the green image of a company) constitute a valuable tool to handle the general lack of confidence in the firm's environmental strategy (Nair and Menon, 2008) and have been associated with more profits (Ottman, 1992) or improved market share and reductions in trade barriers (Kuhre, 1995).
Based on RBT professionals such as Barney (1991; Roberts and Dowling, 2002) and NRBV promotes incorporate environmental for a corporate,corporate image is very important on the strategical level, which is similar to the function of revolution in the field of environment management.
Corporate image and social responsibility
Throughout the last decades, there are numerous research about the issue of CSR(corporate social responsibility), which is in line with the development of green energy technology. One important aspect one corporate should be concerned with is the effect its activities have on the circumstances is increasing. In response to this, a large number of corporate use green marketing and apply “green energy technology” in its production, distribution, supply chains. To which extent the effect of implying green energy technology on the corporate image of the firm is the study