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General Assembly

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FORUM: General Assembly

QUESTION OF: The Digital Divide

SUBMITTED BY: Russian Federation


Observing the growth of information and communications technology, with the invention of the Internet and its increasing growth; having 1.1 billion internet users (2007), since it was conceived in 1969,

Deeply conscious of the rapid advancement of technology,

Noting with regret that industries in Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC's) that are unable to afford newer technologies are unable to compete with their counterparts in More Economically Developed Countries (MEDC's),

Fully aware that as society becomes more technologically advanced, armed forces around the globe are forced to become increasingly reliant on technology in order to maintain the security of their nation,

Deeply regretting that technology in today's modern era is considered a necessity for the general public,

Noting with deep concern the immoral use of technology in today's society,

Further noting that LEDC's often have more pressing issues to combat than attempts to close the digital divide,

1. Confirms that it is the role of individual governments to reduce the small scale, internal digital divide within a state through means such as but not limited to:

a. Where possible, increasing the amount invested in providing technology and resources to individuals or organisations in greatest need, such as hospitals or research scientists,

b. Where possible, increasing the amount invested in providing industries with technology, so as to generate economic revenue,

c. Encouraging charitable organizations within that country to focus their efforts on achieving technological equality in accordance with the state's government specifications;

2. Requests that MEDCs regard it as their responsibility to support and assist LEDCs in regards to bridging the digital divide, through means such as but not limited to:

a. Financially supporting and guiding the building of infrastructure required in LEDC industries to ensure the economic stability of a nation,

b. Financially supporting the purchasing of medical technologies for use in hospitals located in the receiving nation,

c. Encouraging MEDC-based non-government organisations (NGOs) to supply aid, in the form of new or used hardware, to LEDCs in accordance with the wishes of the receiving nation's government,

d. Collecting



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