Gen 200 - Research Strategy Paper
Essay by Greek • May 1, 2012 • Term Paper • 737 Words (3 Pages) • 1,603 Views
Research Strategy Paper
GEN 200
August 23, 2010
Barbara Wood
One bad habit that I recently have picked up that I unquestionably despise and need to fix is procrastination. I noticed that I procrastinate concerning to many aspects in my life. I know it is mostly because I am tired and there really is not enough hours in the day but the time I spend reflecting on tasks that I have not completed I could be completing some of them. Many of the tasks I find myself procrastinating on lately are simple such as: paying bills, making and returning important phone calls, finishing household projects, making appointments for myself and my children, and most important finishing my class work. Before my task list becomes overwhelming or my grades begin to slip I need to delete this procrastination from my life.
The information that I can obtain while conducting research on how to end procrastination I could receive from friends, coworkers, other students, and even online using Google. This will allow me to discover what others have done to eliminate procrastination in their lives, what motivates them the keep on working until the task at hand is completed, and also assist me with finding something that can keep me motivated. After I have gathered all of the information that I need, I will begin analyzing it, breaking the information down into several parts to figure out what is unrelated or unimportant to what I am trying to achieve, what can be applied to my everyday life, and how can I go about applying to it.
After I obtain and analyst the information that I have received, I must evaluate it and figure out what information can be used and how I can use it. When evaluating the information I ask myself the following questions:
Do I agree with the information?
Does the information fit what I am trying to accomplish?
Is the information strong, or weak, and why?
How important is the information?
Which ideas should I focus on?
The perspective of others will be considered because what another person uses can help me in my situation to improve myself. How an individual motivates his, or herself, can assist me with locating an object that I can use as motivation. It can be something as simple as a grade or something as major as a career goal I am trying to achieve. The way an individual can catch his, or herself, procrastinating and pumping him, or herself, back up to continue working could be something to try. All ideas are acceptable and should be put to use to see if it would work or not. If not, it could stem to something else