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Ethical Relativism

Essay by   •  May 29, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,339 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,773 Views

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Ethical relativism is the way a person or persons have the tendency to make their ethical choices. These choices are based on what looks right or reasonable, this choice is based on what that person's belief or their own value system. Ethical relativism is a sociological or an observational conclusion, and is not an ethical doctrine. With this definition I will be discussing the trial of Governor Rod Blagojevich.

In 2003, Rod Blagojevich became the 40th governor of the State of Illinois. In 2009, Governor Blagojevich was the first governor in the State of Illinois to be impeached. This impeachment stemmed from his arrest on December 9, 2008 for federal corruption charges. Governor Blagojevich charges included trying to sell the Senate seat that was previously held by President Obama. Since was a publicly elected official his corruption affected not only the people in the state of Illinois but many other people in the United States. This act confirmed what many people have believed about the politicians from the State of Illinois, especially the politicians from Chicago. (Ornelas, 2011)

The extent of this corrupt act is not a normal behavior for most politicians. But to a lesser degree this type of corruption is considered a normal behavior for most politicians. The State of Illinois has found former Governor Blagojevich guilty of conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud and solicitation bribery. In the lesser degree of this type of corruption, even though it is illegal, is still part of the politicians was of conducting business. Sometime this is what it takes to get things done.

This type of behavior no matter of the degree is still considered a bad behavior. Even if this type of behavior is used to conduct business it can still be considered illegal. If a person is caught doing this behavior, it can lead to major legal trouble. A politician can be arrested, convicted and serve jail time for this behavior. If the majority of the people considered this act of corrupt behavior to be acceptable, then this act would not be considered corrupt, but would most likely hurt many other people in many locations.

In the American culture the norm is the majority rules, this cultures shares the same belief, values and norms. But there many subcultures in America that will affect the majority rules norm, the subculture are known as conflictual political culture. This culture is one in which different groups (or subcultures) clash with opposing belief and values. Most of the conflicts that occur in the United States are conflicts that occur because we disagree on how values are implemented, and not on the basic beliefs themselves. Some of the subgroups or subcultures that do not always agree with the majority rule or have some different belief or values would be the minority, liberals and the conservatives. These groups have a big influence on what is considered the majority rule.

By applying the concepts of ethical relativism we can change, prevent, or limit corruption. Relativism will allow us to see that different laws, rules, customs, practices, and beliefs may be at odds with each other, but these laws, rules, customs, practices, or beliefs may work well for a different group of people. The concepts of relativism allow us to see that not all of us live like we do. The first step is to be able recognize the different types of corruption. Some of the forms are Bribery, extortion, fraud, embezzlement, nepotism, cronyism, appropriation of public assets, and property for private use, and influence peddling. The next step would organize check and balances that will monitor or check for corruption.



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