English Vocabulary
Essay by Maxi • December 12, 2011 • Essay • 405 Words (2 Pages) • 1,669 Views
1. Oust (verb)-to expel or remove from a place or position occupied: The bouncer ousted the drunk; to oust the Prime Minister in the next election.
2. Strained (adj.)-affected or produced by effort; not natural or spontaneous; forced: strained hospitality.
3. Wide-ranging (adj.)-extending over a large area; extensive or diversified in scope: wide-ranging lands; a wide-ranging discussion.
4. Credibility (noun)-the quality of being believable or worthy of trust: After all those lies, his credibility was at a low ebb.
5. Lorrie (noun)-any of various conveyances running on rails, as for transporting material in a mine or factory.
6. Resignation (noun)-a formal statement, document, etc., stating that one gives up an office, position, etc.
7. Speculation (noun)-the contemplation or consideration of some subject: to engage in speculation on humanity's ultimate destiny.
8. Coup (noun)-a highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment.
9. Denounces (verb)-to condemn or censure openly or publicly: to denounce a politician as morally corrupt.
10. Unintended (adj.)-purposed; designed; intentional: an intended snub.
11. Aftermath (noun)-something that results or follows from an event, especially one of a disastrous or unfortunate nature; consequence: the aftermath of war; the aftermath of the flood.
12. Drone (noun)-a remote control mechanism, as a radio-controlled airplane or boat.
13. Curtail (verb)-to cut short; cut off a part of; abridge; reduce; diminish.
14. Marginalised (verb)-to place in a position of marginal importance, influence, or power: the government's attempts to marginalize criticism and restore public confidence.
15. Intransigence (noun)-the state or quality of being intransigent, or refusing to compromise or agree; inflexibility: No agreement was reached because of intransigence on both sides.
16. Coalition (noun)-a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc.
17. Veto (noun)-the power or right vested in one branch of a government to cancel or postpone the decisions, enactments, etc., of another branch, especially the right of a president, governor, or other chief executive to reject bills passed by the legislature.
18. Untenable (adj.)-incapable of being defended, as an argument, thesis, etc.; indefensible.
19. Unravelled (verb)-to separate or disentangle the threads of (a woven