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English Case

Essay by   •  April 2, 2012  •  Essay  •  437 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,733 Views

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The trend has been for convenience over the quality of the photo. Daguerreotypes had a high resolution, and had a very cool look to them because they were made on a mirror so the light you saw was reflected back through the image giving it an almost holographic look. Recently most people have dropped slide film for print film and SLRs with prime lenses for cheap plastic point and shoot cameras. Then they went to digital (shudder). It's just sad because the slides your grandmother has in a shoebox made on Kodachrome II in 1973 have a higher resolution and quality than many cameras consumers pass off for being legitimate today. I've personally found digital so nauseating in its characteristics especially in handling highlight colors that I've moved on to film. Wondrous isn't it? Kodak just came out with a brand new film last October called Ektar which, in 35mm size on your pentax k1000, will enlarge almost grain free to 11x14 producing nice vivid colors. Oh well, have fun with your Nikon Hooblahsnap 42 million digicam.When it comes to the differences between intended audience, artistic purpose and commercial goals of each of them, there are many differences. The shots that are used in a movie or show makes or breaks it. By shots I mean the close ups, flashbacks and pan being used. Each one offers something, the flashbacks I feel adds a lot to a certain kind of movie or show. But all these shots are used to bring objects up, focus on people or places and set times in the future or past.

Intended audiences wanted to see what they were into wither it be non fictional, fictional and even a little of both (which would be me). Having it narrated for you is what it's all about. Also known

as popular cinemas, this is where a film is edited to make a movie short but make it so you can stay focused on the story line. Normally these kinds of films are first aired in movie theaters and then later released to the public. I believe the real differences in art film and popular cinema is that art films are more real and show in depth more things that happened for example the movies The Boy in the striped Pajamas and Titanic both are in depth and things that really happened. Whereas popular cinema is almost always a film that you can get lost in the fairly tail land like in Harry Potter and Twilight. Both of these movies are obviously not real but give the audiences a fantasy place to dream about



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