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Editorial Evaluation on Obama Care

Essay by   •  March 21, 2013  •  Term Paper  •  589 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,742 Views

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Editorial Evaluation Paper

An editorial express the opinion of a newspaper or magazine. It is written by the editor or the publisher of the periodical. It is about the issues that concern its readers in order to establish its opinion on these subjects. It is usually headed "Opinion" on an editorial page, which also contains opposing views and letters to the editor. The USA Today has an editorial page in every issue and one of its editorials concerning Obama's healthcare program will be evaluated.

The main purpose of Obama's health plan is everybody having health insurances. That is reachable by making is very cheap for the poorer people, while the insurances for the wealthier people rises. President Obama signed the health reform law in 2010 and now that he is reelected he is taking it to full effect. There are a lot of politicians against it. For example, Romney was against it and so are some republican governors, who are making it hard for the law to work properly. (ObamaCare, 2012, p. 8A) USA Today is supporting ObamaCare and its editorial is giving reasons why it is good for the country.

The reasons given by the editor are adequate and support their conclusion, which is: "The war is over, so find ways to make law work." "The war is over". Because Obama has won the reelections and the law is certainly taking effect, so the resisters should just find a way to cooperate. There is no point in postponing its actions just because they will happen, weather some governors like it or not. For instance, this is happening with the state health exchanges, which gives the opportunity of individuals and small businesses to compare and buy insurance plans. But because of Freedom Works fifteen republican governors refuse to set up state exchanges. If they do not do that then the federal government will do it, so there is no point in being stubborn especially about one of the least costly and most consumer friendly features of ObamaCare.

The periodical assumes that Freedom Works still have hope that ObamaCare can be stopped. It is prejudiced to think in such a way, because other reasons for their behavior may exist. Also, the periodical is using appeal to prejudice in the personal attack against the governor of Texas Rick Perry. His quote "oops" is used in the beginning. This quote became famous when he could not name the three federal agencies he wanted to eliminate at the republican debate last November.

The editorial is having very little information about why the governors do not want the ObamaCare to take place. Some say that the exchange will put financial burden on their states, but that is not true because at first the federal government will finance and after that there will be fees for the consumers to use it. Others complain that the law will restrain them, but more information about that concept of the conflict is needed. The existence



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