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Evaluation of Restaurants Questionnaire

Essay by   •  May 19, 2011  •  Case Study  •  287 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,740 Views

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Evaluation of Restaurants Questionnaire


A 1 in particular box mean that the brand in that column preferred over the brand in the correspondents rows. A 0 in particular box mean that the row brand is preferred over the brand in the correspondent column.

Name: Age:

Salt &paper gourmet Yasir Brost Hot & Spicy MAHAK Cafe

Salt & paper


Yasir Brost

Hot & spicy

MAHAk Café

No. of time of


Evaluation of Pizza Restaurants


A 1 in particular box mean that the brand in that column preferred over the brand in the correspondents rows. A 0 in particular box mean that the row brand is preferred over the brand in the correspondent column.

Name________________ Age______

Pizza hut

Pizza hut

Italian pizza

Domino's pizza


Dino's pizza

Italian pizza

Domino's pizza


Dino's pizza

No. of time

of Preference

Summary of Burger industry

I prepared the paired comparison questionnaire on the burgers industry. I selected the Al-najm fried chicken , Kentucky fried chicken ,Bismillah fried chicken, Liberty burger and MacDonald's. I got the reviews from different type of people who were the students mostly. I collect the data from twenty people and convert it into the percentage that's was it. People like the KFC and MacDonald 35% and 38% respectively and AFC having the 21% percent. And remaining 6% has to given to the liberty burger and BFC. Mostly people did not know the liberty burger



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