Decline of Tokugawa
Essay by Ezrar • June 1, 2017 • Essay • 427 Words (2 Pages) • 1,270 Views
Decline of Tokugawa :
This question has so long puzzled historians as to what caused decline of Tokugawas , ruling over Japan for centuries over more than 250 years.. Was it a sudden decline or gradual.. Due to internal factors or external factors.. For long there was general belief held by historians that crisis in Tokugawa dynasty was generated by arrival of commodore Perry.. I. e it is external factors that caused decline undermined autonomous authority of Tokugawas,.. But this view was challenged by historians like G. B. Sansom who argue that "what opened the door was not pressure generated from without but explosion within" meant that. For him real cause of decline was rooted within bakuhan system or internal causes... Bakuhan system was like any other feudal system with typical name for nobles was damiyos and his retainer.. Samurai is tern for vassals.. Then followed by peasants, artisans and lastly merchants.. This a major difference between European and Japanese or Chinese feudalism.. This difference arise as a result because their societies are governed according to Confucius ideologies where in merchants are considered as carriers of foreign ideas and potent threat, could encourage foreign invasion with their money power
But over period of time like any other European country saw cracks and crevices in their feudalism system similar was the case with Japan as well over period of time saw all four classes namely Samurai, peasants artisans and merchants underwent drastic changes now bakuhan system seem outdated and not in sync with changes like merchants abhorred by society.. Now become much more prosperous while Samurai and damiyos, whom system accorded top rung positions saw steady decline in their positions as due long period of peace Samurai known for their warrior tactics, lost their meaning rendered jobless and peasants and artisans conditions already was deteoriating now became much more worsened.. Hence every class was now desiring a change for for good and formed an alliance called Ronin I. e masterless Samurai, Chonin merchants and damiyos alliance and led to decline and disintegration of theory and spirit of bakuhan system. But other school of opinion argue one should nether give over emphasis to external or to internal factors as both were responsible for decline and disintegration.. Internal decay and external pressure played equally important role in decline and disintegration.. Heralded new era in history of Japan with restoration of emperor meiji tended on path towards modernization... Political, economically etc..