Creative Writing
Essay by gras • December 17, 2012 • Essay • 4,450 Words (18 Pages) • 1,864 Views
Chapter 1
He was trapped inside the hotel. Yet he was also trapped in an emotional state of which he could not escape. Tyler Sweft was no ordinary man, but this was no ordinary hotel. Tyler's journey began a year ago to the day, when he received a suspicious package in the mail. The RED color of the box gave him a pretty good idea about what he had received. However, as he haphazardly tore through the wrapping material, he was shocked that the package interestingly contained nothing but a small note. He slowly but nervously unfolded the crumpled piece of paper. His blood ran cold and the color drained from his face as he revealed the note's message. The note simply but horrifyingly read "Exit Now". Tyler's mind instantly raced back to his childhood, when a traumatic experience with a toaster, a washer machine, and a waffle iron had caused his friends in the fourth grade to order Tyler to leave the area immediately. "Exit Now" sounded eerily similar, in fact, too similar. Tyler hustled over to his mattress, under which he kept all of his diaries dating back to kindergarden. According to the fourth grade journal, little Mo Smith had used the exact words "Exit Now", to expel Tyler from the playground after the incident. Tyler had vowed to Mo that he would rue the day for the rest of his pathetic life. At this point Tyler knew something was wrong. His hands began to tremble as a sudden realization came over him. Mo wouldn't have made his presence known this easily. But it was too late. Tyler watched in horror out of his window as an evil robot army began to flood the streets of his hometown: Andrews, Georgia. This wasn't Mo's doing. This was the deed of a much more powerful villian, feebly attempting to frame Mo. Tyler quickly slid down his firepole to his secret underground basement chamber. The basement was where he was grooming an army of his own. An army made up of snake-snail hybrids specially bred for Tyler's mission. The army stayed loyal to Tyler on the condition that he feed them Vegimite smoothies on a daily basis. Unfortuantely, Smoothie King does not provide this flavor. Therefore, Tyler had to use his special vegimite blender and his own home-developed secret formula to provide these smoothies to his elite soldiers. The story of how Tyler obtained this blender is veeeeerrryyyy interesting. As Tyler slid into his basement, he realized his mistake. He had forgotten to feed his snake-snail hybrids! Ghasp! As he slid down the pole, he was attacked by 7 burly men that the hybrids had hired. The burly men tied Tyler up with Duct tape so that he could not escape. Little did the burly men know that Tyler was resistant to duct tape. He focused his energy into the parts of his body restrained by the duct tape. Suddenly, the tape burst into flames! Ghasp! Tyler was A FIREBENDER! The seven burly men were shocked as they realized Tyler's unique ability! They ran in fear.
A few hours later Tyler was surprised when a group of bengal tigers came to his door singing Christmas carols. They hit all the classics, including Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer and the entire Alvin and the Chipmunks Grestest Hits CD. Tyler was completely shocked that the tigers had not been completely annihilated by the evil robots. He deduced that Christmas cheer must be the only way to defeat the evil roobots who were ravaging the town.
It was in that instant the Tyler began to develop his plan. He, instead of controlling his army of snake-snail hybrids, would have to defeat them using the power of Christmas. He ran to his secret lab and then to Blockbuster with the intent to rent the movie "Elf", but to Tyler's surprise, Blockbusters had gone completely out of business! Tyler knew now that he not only had to defeat the evil robot army, but also the entire Netflix corporation. He had to save those helpless souls who had poor internet connection. The amount of work Tyler would have to do suddenly seemed insurmountable. He went home to his couch and ate a bunch of s'mores while playing Donkey Kong. Tyler got to level five before losing all his lives and throwing his gameboy down in disgust. His gameboy shattered, revealing something amazing! Inside the broken shell of his GameBoy was his deceseased father's long lost key to his vault containing the Sweft family fortune. Inside of the Sweft vault, underneath all of the treasure, was something of incredible value. Ghasp! Another key, this one to the famous Disney Vault, was underneath the mountains of gold. What ho! Tyler went and made some easy mac to celebrate.
After consuming the easy mac, and unfortunatley burning his tongue, Tyler developed this plan:
Defeat evil robot army.
Shut down Netflix server.
Murder Netflix executives.
Distribute lightning fast internet to the world.
Watch every Disney movie ever.
Eat more Easy Mac
Tyler's plan soon was followed by a devout cult and was hence forth known as the ten fold path. In order to be initiated into the cult, each member was required to ... I cant think of anything... Seabass take the wheel!!!!! write a 50,000 word novel about the extreme nature of Tyler's atempted adventure. This was no easy feat. Only the best of the best would be able to accomplish the monumental task. In order to determine the absolute best writers, Tyler established a highly competitove contest between all of the nine districts of Andrews. Each district of Andrews would subject one boy and one girl of their very own to write to the death against the competitors from the eight other districts. Each competitor would recieve only a pen and whichever tribute survived the longest while also writing the most incredible story would be entered into the cult. Tragically all of the competitors perished in the competition. Tyler would be forced to undertake his journey completely alone.
Tyler hopped into his his new Mazarati and drove it down a dead end street. Then he turned back around and drove towards the nearest evil robot. Approaching the 12 foot tall robot at an extremely dangerous speed, tyler slammed on the eject button. He was thrown from the car as it smashed into the robot. The robot immediately melted due to the Taylor Swift Christmas album which was playing on the stereo. "Take that you evil robot!!!", Screamed Tyler. Karll, Tyler's bestie walked out of the nearby Krogers and yelled "Tyler that was sweet! Let's