Consumer Case
Essay by Greek • January 11, 2012 • Essay • 395 Words (2 Pages) • 1,544 Views
Learning is a change in behaviour that is caused by experience. Learning can occur
through simple associations between a stimulus and a response or via a complex series
of cognitive activities.
■ Behavioural learning theories assume that learning occurs as a result of responses to
external events. Classical conditioning occurs when a stimulus that naturally elicits a
response (an unconditioned stimulus) is paired with another stimulus that does not
initially elicit this response. Over time, the second stimulus (the conditioned stimulus)
comes to elicit the response as well.
■ This response can also extend to other, similar, stimuli in a process known as stimulus
generalization. This process is the basis for such marketing strategies as licensing and
family branding, in which a consumer's positive associations with a product are transferred
to other contexts.
■ Operant or instrumental conditioning occurs as the person learns to perform behaviours that
produce positive outcomes and avoid those that result in negative outcomes. While classical
conditioning involves the pairing of two stimuli, instrumental learning occurs when
reinforcement is delivered following a response to a stimulus. Reinforcement is positive if
a reward is delivered following a response. It is negative if a negative outcome is avoided
by not performing a response. Punishment occurs when a response is followed by unpleasant
events. Extinction of the behaviour will occur if reinforcement is no longer received.
■ Cognitive learning occurs as the result of mental processes. For example, observational
learning takes place when the consumer performs a behaviour as a result of seeing someone
else performing it and being rewarded for it.
■ Memory refers to the storage of learned information. The way information is encoded
when it is perceived determines how it will be stored in memory. The memory systems
known as sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory each play a role
in retaining and processing information from the outside world.