Computer Ethics
Essay by Aaron Kuan • April 23, 2016 • Coursework • 2,253 Words (10 Pages) • 1,477 Views
1. Introduction
In this pair assignment, we are required to explain the ethical issues on a newspaper or journal article that we have read. The journal article that we have read is about Google Glass. A Google Glass is a type of wearable technology with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD). It was developed by Google with a mission of producing a mass-market ubiquitous computer. Google Glass display information in a smartphone like hands free format. In this article, we have found a lot of ethical issues like violating other people’s privacy, not respecting others, we use this issues to relate and explain in the term of Utilitarianism, Kanthianism and Social Sociality Theory to explain about ethical issues on Google Glass.
Besides we given two week time by our lecturer who is Mr Tan Kok Cheng to discuss this assignment with each other and finish up our assignment on time. We also required to suggest preventions for the ethical issues identified in the article. Then based on implementing this preventions, we have to think of the best challenges expected.
2.1 Explain the ethical issues using the various ethical theories
2.1.1 Utilitarianism Theory
Utilitarianism theory is to increase happiness or utility. A person’s utility is satisfied by a person’s needs and values. An action might increase happiness or utility for some people and decrease it for others. We should consider the consequences of benefits and damages to all affected people.
Based on this article, a person who used a Google Glass might increase their own happiness but the happiness will also decrease for others. The reason I said this is because the happiness of a person who used a Google Glass will increase because they able to capture or record any photographic memory freely. Meanwhile this will cause others happiness decreases because others will feel their interaction being captured, at the same time this is uncomfortable for them as others is violating their privacy.
Besides, in this article there is also this argument where Google Glass should be allow to use for students during exam. Based on utilitarianism theory, a student happiness will increases because they are able to use any notes they’ve taken or calculation systems they’ve designed in Google Glass, meanwhile the happiness of other students or teacher might decreases because they will feel this is unfair to them where those who had a Google Glass able to cheat in exam when they don’t have that smart device to use during exam.
In addition, there is a point where parents ask should they view what their child seeing in real time. Based on this matter, parents have a responsibility to keep their child safe, but it’s wrong for parents to spy or keep track on their child’s activities. In utilitarianism theory, the happiness or utility of a parents will increases because they feel safe when they actually able to see every movement of their child in real time, but their child’s happiness will decreases because they will feel their parents never have trust in them and they will feel uncomfortable when they don’t really have their own privacy time.
2.1.2 Kanthianism Theory
Kanthianism Theory is a non-consequential theory meaning the act itself is more important than the outcome of the act. People should be treated as an end and never as a mere means to an end. Based on Kanthianism theory, it is unethical to use a person’s value for your own personal gain.
Based on this article, a person are actually treating others as means to an end where they use the Google Glass to capture or records others interaction without their permission. They are using other people to achieve their goal or for the sake of making themselves feel better. Using kanthianism theory, if there is no laws restricting the restrictions on digital eye glass then people may commit acts that would cause others to be treated as means to an end rather than end itself.
There is a view point where people ask can a Google Glass acceptable to use during exam. Based on Kanthianism theory, it is unethical to use Google Glass to search for answers during exam for their own personal gain. This is unethical because if Google Glass is acceptable to use by students during exam then students are not testing their understanding in their studies since Google Glass helps them find all the information.
In the future, Google Glass may also change a person appearance to anything they wish to or even make them disappear. By using Kanthianism theory, it means they are treating others as means to an end. They willing to make or do anything that is possible using the Google Glass even if others feel bad or uncomfortable about the action, as they are using any sort of ways to achieve what they wish to get with no other reason.
2.1.3 Social Morality Theory
Social Morality Theory is a custom, habit, courtesy, character that connected with regulations and standards followed by society. There are normative values and societal regulations that make Social Morality Theory to become a measure or criterion to determine whether a certain action is right or wrong or certain behaviour is good or bad.
In this article there are no action which is all right or all wrong but there’s a certain person behaviour which are good or bad. For those people who keep track on the upgrade and update of new technology then that person might feel Google Glass is something that are very useful for them. Meanwhile for those people who are more into “traditional mind” will feel Google Glass will cause trouble to other people especially on violating others privacy.
Based on Social Morality Theory, individual can screen off that which is bad, wrong or not obligatory. Like in this article there is this question asking whether someone can record anything and everything they see. It is a right action to record anything and everything they want to because they got the right to use their Google Glass in any manner. If based on Social Morality Theory, it is wrong to record anything and everything because everything can be mean recording other people privacy or anything that may cause to make other feel uncomfortable unless that person explicitly tell the other person that they are filming.
Furthermore, based on Social Morality Theory, parents might feel using Google Glass to spy their kids activities are right and is a good behaviour for them to care and not to worry much about what their child will do when their parents are not around. The criterion might be different between the child and the parents where the child are being watch by their parents the whole time, this make them feel it is wrong because they couldn’t find any privacy for themselves.
2.2 Suggest preventions for the ethical issues identified in the article