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Christological Revelation in the New Testament

Essay by   •  July 28, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,650 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,565 Views

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Christological revelation in the New Testament


Sam O'Neill

There are three main concepts contributed from the Old Testament to the Christological revelation in the Old Testament. These three concepts are the anointed King, Priest and Prophet and are the three things that are seen to make up the "Threefold Office" of Jesus Christ. These are not single or simple concepts but points that contribute to the idea of Jesus' messianic "threefold office" and these concepts are revealed in the Old Testament. The concept of king is revealed through king David as the messianic promise is made to him, the expectation of the messiah is then handed on to a priest under the order of Melchizedek and then eventually handed to the role of a prophet and how Jesus portrays each of these roles.


"A Man who holds by life tenure, and usually hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people"

An Old Testament king is seen as the mediator of the judicial and executive power of god amongst his people, and were often referred to as "the lords anointed" (1 Sam 16:6) as these kings were anointed with oil at their investiture . King David was a prominent king figure in the Old Testament as the messianic promise was made to him "I have made a covenant with my chosen one , sworn an oath to my servant David: I have made your dynasty firm forever , built your throne stable age after age" (Psalm 89:3-4). From that time on the people awaited an ideal king "this is the name he has been given 'wonder-counsellor, Mighty-God, Eternal father, Prince-of-peace', over the throne of David and over his kingdom" (Isaiah 9:1-6). The royal psalms reflect that this anointed king will bring justice and peace "your throne is from god for ever and ever, the sceptre of your kingship a sceptre of justice, you love uprightness and detest evil" (Psalm 45: 6-7). This king will also be associated with Jerusalem, the place of banquet "come, let us go to the mountain of Yahweh, to the house of the god of Jacob that he may teach us his ways so that we may walk in his paths for the law will issues from Zion and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem" (Isaiah 2:2-3) as Jerusalem is seen as the holy land and the Israelites as gods people.

Jesus as king

Jesus made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey just as a king would which would have been taken as a big political move or threat back in his day. He was given the title "king of the Jews" at his crucifixion. He also stated "mine is not a kingdom of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my men would have fought to prevent me being surrendered to the Jews. As it is, my kingdom does not belong here" which sets him apart from other kings. Kings were always seen to reign over a country or kingdom that is of this earth but Jesus' kingdom is not, his kingdom is "the kingdom of God" . He also uses shepherd imagery "The king would be a glorious leader (Isaih9:4) who would shepherd his people (Ezekiel 9:2-7) and who would be called gods son (Psalm 2:7-89)" which re interprets the idea of the shepherd king in the Old Testament. He was also different to other kings as he seen as a "Humiliated king so that there was no majesty in him to attract us" , he was humiliated as when he was crucified he was crowned with a wreath of thorns and called the "king of the Jews" (John 19:20)

After the Davidic dynasty ended with exile the expectations were transferred to a priest as suffering was not associated with messiah or a Davidic king, but there was an exception "Strike the shepherd" (Zach 13:7) as king David did not gain the throne by hereditary rights, he was only a shepherd as a boy.


"A person ordained to act as a mediator between god and man in administering the sacraments, preaching, blessing and guiding"

Just like kings, priests are anointed with oil but at their ordination. The term "the anointed one" can also mean a priest as well as a king. The Levitical priesthood was set apart to offer sacrifice and mediate between god and humanity "Yahweh then set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the ark of Yahweh's covenant, to serve him and bless in his name"(Deuteronomy 10:8), whether it is to forgive sins "through the ministry of the priest" as " the penitent receives god's forgiveness" . Jesus is not a part of this priestly family, but he acts like a priest with the institution of bread and wine, his death happened at pass over time and very early imagery of "the lamb of god" (John 1:29-34) was applied to Jesus by John.

Jesus as priest

The letters to the Hebrews develops an intricate analogy of Jesus as priest and sacrifice under the order of Melchizedek . But, he was also priestly, seen in his celebration of the Lord's Supper and in events such as Good Friday. Jesus was also seen to have "Suffered outside the gate" (Heb. 13:12), not in a temple



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