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Categorization of a Race Unmerited

Essay by   •  December 11, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,812 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,283 Views

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During the occupation of this country Categorization of a Race Unmerited has always been a big problem. They limited our understanding as well as not allowing the truth to be told. The myths that Blacks are lazy, unemployed and do not want to work has been around since the Jim Crow days. Even Though we are a minority, we are portrayed in a negative fashion and as the biggest benefactor of receiving state funded welfare services. The Cleary that this has been a misrepresentation if the African American race, which only makes up 13% percent of the population in the United States, and only 14% of the population in the State of Illinois. This is the home of the third largest city in America. These images have depicting that the biggest handouts are given to poor black African American. This is the Categorization of a race-unmerited.

The nationally poverty rates in America have had a tendency to increase during times of recession by reason for high unemployment. The child poverty has been increasingly higher than poverty on a whole over a ten year period with a disparity that seems to be widening than reducing. America with its systems in place has been successful in reducing the poverty rate of senior citizens but not among people of middle age and children. The U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that child poverty has been persistently higher than overall poverty over the past decades, with the gap growing rather than shrinking. As a nation, we have been successful in bringing down elderly poverty rates from 35.0 percent in 1959 to a low of 8.9 percent in 2009, Child Poverty during the Great Depression: Predicting State Child Poverty Rates for 2010, (Julia B. Isaacs). It has been reported that in 2010, the federal poverty level is $22,050 for a family of four. Children and adults living in families with incomes below the federal poverty level are referred to as poor. But research suggests that, on average, families need an income of about twice the federal poverty level to meet their basic needs. The United States measures poverty by an outdated standard developed in the 1960's. We are led to believe that many children and adults in the United States suffer due to poverty in this country, either by abandonment or drug addiction. That is a misnomer and many have been fooled by this train of thought, creating a false image of the African American Black race.



In America when one thinks of poverty, whether it is thru media, television or any other o( it is sometimes misleading and false poverty. In the United States frequently speaks on the topic as if they are a unique group of individuals with uniform classifications which separate them from the majority. A matter of fact, there is great diversity among children and families who experience economic hardship in this country. Studies show that many of the projected Categorizations are inaccurately portrayed by the media that has led many to think it's a certain group or ethnic background. Not all people classified as poor belong to an ethnic group but since European Americans outnumber any other race in America the scales of the majority far outweigh those in all the other races. When the legislation was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996, it was designed to relinquish the federal assistance program to the states giving them the burden of administering state funded aid, the poor and low income families. Here in Illinois, according to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and family services, the mission statement reads as follows, "The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services is committed to empowering Illinois citizens to lead healthier and more independent lives through providing quality healthcare coverage for children, parents, seniors and persons with disabilities; establishing and enforcing child support obligations; the effective cost management of healthcare purchasing." With the (Illinois Department of Healthcare and family services. This is just one of the programs that were upgraded since the State of Illinois took over. This particular department is designed to provide healthcare coverage for children and Adults who qualify for Medicaid and for providing Child Support Services to help ensure that Illinois children receive financial support from both of their parents.


The agency is organized into two major divisions, Medical Programs and Child Support Services. How does this tie in you may asked? It is designed to help the low income families with one or two parents who are raising children and may not have adequate insurance from a low paying job who also are unemployed. With that being said, we must understand that the makeups of those using these services are predominately Caucasian, which only makes sense because of the U.S. Census data in which they are still the majority at a margin of 43 percent as of 2010. Based on the study done by the Federal government. The argument that Categorization f Black and other ethnic races are the majority of benefactors is correct. Since we don't make up the majority of the population here in the Chicago land area as well in the State of Illinois or the United States of American as a matter of fact, it is false and a misconception of the masses. Poverty is prevalent today, it has always been around. With the recession came massive layoffs, home foreclosures and homelessness for many of Chicagoans and American in the last four years. When this legislation was signed by President Clinton back in nineteen ninety-six this was designed to bring relief to the Federal government, only to impact the states



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