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Carrer Report

Essay by   •  October 5, 2013  •  Essay  •  869 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,275 Views

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Choosing the perfect career is vital. The word career means something you want to do for the rest of your life. A career is more than just a job. It is more based off your interests because YOU have control of what you want to do. So, when picking a career you want to be prudent and make sure your choice is going to be something that fits you. Ever since I was a freshmen in high school, I've had my mind set on one career. I've done a lot of research over the years, along with other career projects on my choice, and I know it is right for me.

Radiologic technology is going to be my career one day. I knew I wanted to be in the medical field since I was young, but I didn't know what exactly I wanted to do. I'm interested in the whole medical aspect. It interests me to know what my body is doing and why it is doing that. I decided that radiologic technology would be a good career fit for me.

The whole career is motivating to me. What a radiologist does is take vibrant images of the body that help able physicians to diagnose and treat things on the inside that we cannot see with the naked eye. The technologist can do x-rays, mammography, PETSCANS, and CATSCANS. All of these can help the physician diagnose a multitude of things. The radiologist must also be able to explain to the patient procedures, and why they are doing certain things and be able to answer any question the patient may have about their scan.

There are many different businesses that have radiologic technologists. Clinics may have one on duty along with imaging centers, private physician offices, and the place of my choice, hospitals. I want to work in a hospital as a radiologist. My main reason is because of all the differing people and scenarios that will come in. Another reason for the hospital setting is the constancy. There are more people in and out of the hospital needing x-rays than in a normal clinical center usually. The hospital setting will be impeccable for me.

Before even being able to enter this thrilling field, there is some educational requirements. Not as many as your typical medical career may have, which is another plus to it. Here at moraine, the requirements are few classes as prerequisites, followed by the radiology program, which is offered at the school. In the program, you will be learning everything you need to know about your career and how to do it. You will receive training and participate in internships. All of this, if done successfully, will give you your radiologic technology certificate. This now makes you able to practice your career and receive a job.

Along with educational requirements, there are also personal skills that are looked at as well. Dealing with people all day, of course you are going to need to be outgoing, approachable, and respectable with all different types of people. Right now, I waitress, and I'm pretty good at it. These skills can go hand in hand because being



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