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Busnies Idea

Essay by   •  November 12, 2013  •  Study Guide  •  1,575 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,258 Views

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1. "Near-by": let Us help You.


Everyone has experienced the situation of loosing things. Whether it is keys or a purse, jacket or even a pet- no matter how hard You will look for them, the finding process may be exhausting and with no results.

"Near by" is a new tracking device that will help You to detect the things You have lost, by a simple click on the phone. One click and all the problems are solved!


1.2.1.Level 1

"Near-by" looks like a simple keyring( an example is seen below). Inside of it , there is a micro-scheme, that is connected with an application of your phone.

When You purchase the product, You receive a registration code. When You download the phone application and enter the registration code, the "Near-by", becomes activated. If You push a button "FIND" on the application, the keyring will start to play music. You will be able to easly find Your lost keys.

1.2.2.Level 2

There is also a possibility to purchase a "Near-by professional", that will help You to find You lost pets, by navigating their location using GPS.


2.1.key customers

We live in the 21st century- nowadays almost everything can be digitized. Why not to digitize also Your memory or as we like to say- the lack of it?!

"Near by" key customers are

* woman and man with a busy lifestyle- who is always on the move, and that's why they tend to lose things

* parents, who hate if their children always loses important things, and who is tired of looking for things

* pet owners , who wants to be secure about their animal unexpected journeys in to the wild zones

2.2.Customer benefits

Nowadays time is money, so firstly "Near by" will help to save our customers time by allowing to fastly find things they have lost.

If You lose Your pet, You have to call to special agencies to find it, and that will not only be ex-pensive, but also exhausting. Not- if You have a "Near-by".

This smart product lets our cutomers to not stress about the little things, it makes their lives easier and more convenient.

2.3. Why we are better than others

None of our main competitors use mobile devices as a key component to find things, so we would have a huge advantage over them, because of the androids gaining popularity. All kind of mobile applications are gaining popularity in the world market, so the prognosis are, that also "Near-by" products could turn into a big hit.

Based on our innovations in the key- tracking system, we would have the first mover advantage.

We will sell a better product,that our competitors have, for the same prices they are selling. And reaching our target group online and making great online-marketing, we would become the leaders in this field.

There are competitor companies that offers a key trackers, by using a remote and a keyring. The problem is that now You can lose two things, that are reliable on each other- keys and the remote. This means, that there is no "real advantage" at all.

By allowing to use the phone- a thing that everyone have nearby most of the time- we give more freedom to our customers. Near-by is more reliable, more easy and more attractive.

3.Our team

To design a "Nearby", there will be needed:

* Enterprenuer Matīss Gredzens. He is a punctual person, who always does the necessary things in the necessary time- he never disappoints. He also is a sportsman- a person who likes to evaluate competitors weak points and strengths, he will find the best way how to beat them. He will coordinate the application makers, to ensure our team ideas is carried out properly. He is the main guy in "competition" strategy- pricing strategy, competitor analysis, making colleborations, attracting finances.

* Enterprenuer Jānis Andersons. His calm, trustworthy nature and equability allows him to ensure that our product will be safe from unexpected attacks. He is responsible for pro-tecting strategy of the product- making all the necessary documentation, purchasing li-censes, coordinating manufacturing details. He will make the companys atmosphere sta-ble and likeable.

* Enterprenuer Gundega Grīva. She likes to generate new ideas. She will carry out prod-ucts design, it`s functions and find a way how to stand out. She will look for improve-ments in the product and ensure the highest quality.

* IT specialists, which will carry out the application making process

* Electric workers

* Factory workers, who will manufacture the product

* Legal advisers



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