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Business Management

Essay by   •  December 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  639 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,900 Views

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The third step in Lewin's three-step change model is refreezing. It is used after the change has been implemented successfully in order for it to be sustaining over time. If this step is not taken they will go back to old behaviour The purpose of refreshing is to stabilize the new equilibrium resulting from the change by balancing the driving and restraining forces. It is the integration of the new values to the community values and traditions. Mainly, driving forces promote change while restraining forces defeat the change. Then change will happen when the combined strength of one force is greater than the other combined strength of the defeating set of forces. (Thomas 2008)

Lippitt's Phases of Change Theory

Lewin's Three-Step Change Theory was extended by Lippitt, Watson, and Westley in 1958. They created a seven-step theory which focuses on responsibility and the role of the change than in the evolution of the change. Information is exchanged throughout the process. The seven steps are,

1. Identify the problem.

2. Estimate the capacity and motivation for change.

3. Estimate the material and motivation of the change agent.

4. Choose advancing change objects. Action plans are developed and strategies have to be established in this step.

5. The role of the change agents is to be selected and understood by others so the expectations are understood.

6. Maintaining the change. The main elements are Feedback, Communication and group coordination in this step.

7. Terminate from the helping relationship.

This change will happen when the change becomes a part of the organizational culture. Changes are more likely to be the same if they spread to other systems immediately. (Shirley 2005)

Social Cognitive Theory

The human learns from experiences, dialogue, observation and interaction,. Social learning theory was renamed later as social cognitive theory, because of the behaviour change by personal factors, environmental influences, and the behaviour itself. Behavior is the result in consequences. People react to how they are aware of the consequences of behaviour. Self efficacy can be increased in many ways. Methods to increase self-efficacy are,

* Provide useful instructions

* Provide for opportunities for development or training

* Model the desired behaviour.

* When organizations implement employee-training programs, four processes that should be used for success.

1. Attention processes- participants learn from a



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