Brutus Was a Hero
Essay by bobrules123 • November 14, 2013 • Essay • 564 Words (3 Pages) • 1,658 Views
Brutus is a confusing character that often does hypocritical things but I believe Brutus is a Hero. Brutus is a true hero because even though he killed Caesar he killed him for the good of Rome. Also Brutus was able to everything he owned for the people of Rome. Lastly, Brutus was a hero because he was a caring person. Brutus may have been a big hypocrite but he was a hero nonetheless.
Brutus may have killed Caesar, his best friend, but he did it to save the people of Rome from the reign of a tyrant. "It must be by his death; and for my part, I know no personal cause to spurn at him But for the general. He would be crowned" (II.i.10-12). This shows how even though Brutus was a good friend he would be willing to kill him for the good of Rome. "And therefore think him as a serpent's egg--Which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous--And kill him in the shell" (II.i.33-36). Brutus saw how killing Caesar before he took up his power would save a lot of people a lot of grief and pain and so he decided to kill him. "But 'tis a common proof that lowliness is young ambition's ladder, whereto the climber upward turns his face. But when he once attains the upmost round, he then unto the ladder turns his back, looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees by which he did ascend. So Caesar may. Then, lest he may, prevent" (II.i.22-29). Brutus here describes how the ambition of all men will cause them to turn on the people that helped him/her get to their position of power, and then he says that we must prevent this happening if at all possible. That therefore leads Brutus to again believe that killing Caesar is the right thing to do. So even though Caesar was good friends with Brutus, killing Caesar was the right thing to do.
Brutus was so devoted to the people of Rome that he gave everything to them. " Now is that noble vessel full of grief, that it runs over even at his eyes" (V.v.16-18). Here Clitus is saying that Brutus is contemplating killing himself because of everything that has happened. "Why this, Volumnius: The ghost of Caesar hath appeared to me, two several times by night. At Sardis once, and this last night here in Philippi fields. I know my hour is come" (V.v.17-21). Brutus says here that he saw the ghost of Caesar and that it was time for him to die. Brutus believed that the ghost of Caesar would only tell him when to die if it was important to Rome and so he killed himself. "Speak no more of her.Give me a bowl of wine. In this I bury all unkindness, Cassius" (V.iv.156-157). Here Brutus is willing to put aside grieving for his dead wife so that he may better perform his duties for the people of rome. So Brutus gave his everything for Rome.
Brutus was a caring person, making him a great hero. "Caesar, now be still; I killed not thee with half so good a will" (V.v.50-51). Here Brutus says that killing himself was easier than killing