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Ballroom Dance

Essay by   •  June 11, 2013  •  Essay  •  532 Words (3 Pages)  •  3,523 Views

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Figueroa's frame work was developed by Professor Peter Figueroa. Figuroas framework was developed to help investigate racism in UK specifically looking at equity and access; however "it is a useful tool to investigate the ways in which inequities can be challenged in the area of exercise, sport and physical activity." ( year 12 physical education ballroom dance student workbook, 2013, Mr Finch) Figueroa's framework is spilt up into five separate levels; the cultural level, structural, institutional, interpersonal and the individual level. Each level directly affects all the other levels below it starting at the cultural level and working down to the individual level.

Through Figueroa's framework strategies will be developed to overcome barriers to young people participating in ballroom dance on the sunshine coast. These strategies will concentrate on the institutional level. The institutional level relates to "Institutions such as schools and clubs frequently have rules and procedures that are devised to help to regulate behaviour and practices, presumably for the benefit of those in the institution."( year 12 ballroom dance text book, Caloundra state high school) The institutional level is made up of two main institutions to do with teenagers today, family's; which are the foundations for institutions in our society and schools. In a family there are rules and regulations which are usually unwritten yet are expected to followed, these rules if not followed usually result in unwanted consequences. Another large part of the institutional level for young teenagers are schools. Schools provide young people with a much stronger set of rules and regulations which also often come with a more severe set of punishments when these rules are broken.

One of the strategies' that will be put forth in order to try and overcome the barrier of young teenager boys thinking that ballroom dancing is not a suitable sport or physical activity. I believe that this problem has started in primary schools with younger students not being exposed to ballroom dance. Because these young students are not exposed to the thought that ballroom dancing is a sport they often assume that it is just dancing for older people. I believe that because this barrier often starts with primary school it can also be overcome during primary school. The first part to overcoming this strategy would be to expose younger students to ballroom dance. As the closest Ballroom dance centre is at Cooroy I will contact them and ask them to come into partnership with me so that we can expose ballroom dance to the sunshine coast. I will then set up various meetings with the primary schools in on the sunshine coast starting with Caloundra. To save time and money the Currimundi primary school hall will be hired out so that a meeting with all of the principles from the surrounding area. During this meeting I will explain that through ballroom



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