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Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics - Organization Behaviour

Essay by   •  November 7, 2017  •  Case Study  •  6,349 Words (26 Pages)  •  2,208 Views

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TASK 1        2

1.1        Compare and contrast the different organizational structure and culture of Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronic        2

1.1.1 Definition organizational structure        2

1.1.2 Types of organizational structures        3

1.1.3 Organizational structure for Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics        4

1.1.4 Definition organizational culture        6

1.1.5 Types of organizational culture        6

1.1.6 Organizational culture for Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics        8

1.2        Explain how the relationship between the organization’s structure and culture can give impact on the management of Pure Technology.        9

1.2.1        Relationship between structure and culture        9

1.2.2 Factor that affecting organizational culture in Pure Technology        11

1.3        Discuss the factors which influence individual behavior at work in Pure Technology.        12

1.3.1 Perception        12

1.3.2 Personality        12

1.3.3 Attitude        14

TASK 2        15

2.1        Compare the effectiveness of different styles of leadership of Apple Inc and Samsung Electronic        15

2.1.1        Autocratic        15

2.1.2        Democratic        15

2.2        Explain how organizational theory support the practice of management        18

2.3        Evaluate the different approach used by Apple Inc and Samsung Electronic and their implications for the management of Pure Technology        19

2.3.1        Types of organization theory        19

References        23


  1. Compare and contrast the different organizational structure and culture of Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronic

1.1.1 Definition organizational structure

“Organizational structure is the basic form which makes up the skeleton of the organization and shows allocation of formal responsibilities and linking roles and coordinating structures of the organization. Organizational structure refers to the division of labour as well as the patterns of coordination, communication, workflow and formal power that direct organizational activities.” (Ahmad, 2009, p. 214)

From my understanding organization have some form of hierarchy which is concerned with the lines of authority used to ensure that people know who they take information and guidance from and to whom they are countable. The various reporting relationships combine to create a hierarchical structure in which, as one ascends the hierarchy, managerial positions becomes fewer but are associated with higher level of responsibilities.

According to Robbins & Judge (2015) manager need to address six key element when they design their organization’s structure which are work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization and decentralization and formalization. In this report I will focus more on span of control, centralized and decentralized, and departmentalization that are relatable to Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics.

1.1.2 Types of organizational structures

“Span of control refers to the numbers of people directly reporting to the next level in the hierarchy” (McShane & Glinow, 2007). It means that if the numbers of persons reporting to a manager is less, the span of control is said to be narrow. But if the number of person reporting to the manager is many, the span of control would be wide. Based on my understanding, where the group of people that can be manage and control. It either different task or job skill of the group of people that be control by the manager.

A tall organization is one which, in relation to its size, has a large number of levels of management hierarchy. This implies a narrow span of control. From my understanding, this structure are more clear structure compare to the flat structure because this structure have many level of management and there will be more work delegation. When an organization is developed and success, the number of organization will increase and the structure will become taller. This structure is more impersonal in decision making because there are too many level of management are involve in the office. It is easy for the manager to monitor the employees because of a few employees under the manager and the relationship between employees and manager will get closer.

Meanwhile, a flat organization is one which, in relation to its size, has a small number of hierarchical levels. This implies a wide span of control. Based on my understanding, these type of structure have a closer relationship between the top manager and the employees. When these happen, manager must share the information and not hiding it. After that, these structure are very flexible and also can adapt to any changes. When the distance between top manager and employee are close, the information will be delivered quickly and there will a fast result.

According to McShane & Glinow (2007) centralization means the degree to which formal decision authority is held by a small group of people, typically those at the top of the organizational hierarchy. In centralized organization, top managers make all the decision and lower manager merely carry out their directives. As for decentralization (S, 2015) said that the powers for the same has been disseminated by the top management to the middle or low-level management.

1.1.3 Organizational structure for Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics

Apple Inc.

Samsung Electronics


[pic 1]

Figure 1 Apple Inc Organization Structure (adopted from:

[pic 2]

Figure 2 Samsung Organizational Structure (adopted from:


From the figure above we can see that Apple Inc. is using a flat structure.  The CEO, Tim Cook is very close to the employee because of this structure. The employees always make a consultation with the top manager about the product that they want to produce. These will make the manager have a lot of work to do. This structure will give a high morale and the productivity will increase.

From the figure above we can see that Samsung Electronics are using a tall structure. In their organization structure, there are many hierarchies in the structure such as general manager, finance department and production department. When they want to produce a product, there will review the product by stages and lastly to the general manager, Oh-Hyun Kwon, to improvise the product. When the product has been approved by the general manager, then they will sell it to the market.


The Apple Inc is decentralization. Decentralization is used when the decision was made to get in touch with local conditions. Decentralization is when you want to make a decision, he must delegate lower company and local official. This is because there are not many level of management which means decision can be made at one point and much easier to co-ordinate.

For. Samsung Electronic, it is centralization. The centralization in the organization is when the boss makes a decision and the decision is made quickly and quickly without any problems. This is because there are a many levels of management which means decision cannot be made at one point but has greater awareness of local problems as there are many department in the organization chart.



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