World Leader
Essay by asobo1986 • October 19, 2012 • Essay • 1,209 Words (5 Pages) • 1,553 Views
Leaders were always crucial, throughout history of human kind, for a community of people to function and coexist. A leader is a person who directs others, someone who people will follow or somebody who is in charge of others, for instance as the head of a nation, a political party, a legislative body, or a military unit. Diverse leaders are observed in our society, in every place within a group of people. In the sports world, leaders in a team are critical for a team to function properly. In the military, a leader is playing a principal role in an army, to keep things in order. Likewise, an orchestra to collaborate harmoniously it is hopeless without a maestro. Broadly speaking, the main reason wherefore leaders are important, is to succeed to a mutual goal among a group of people. We will discuss about Obama's leadership and what makes him a good leader. The reason is because many factors contribute for the ability to lead a certain amount of individuals. The most efficient way to determine the elements which make a great leader is to briefly examine his or her leaderships.
Barrack Obama is an Authentic Leader; there are a variety of leadership models which emphasize key leadership skills. As an Authentic Leadership, I saw that Barack Obama as exhibiting five key leadership skills: Strategic Thinking I could see Barack Obama had a clear vision based on the ability to define critical issues, analyze the relevant facts and information, and decide on a strategic direction. He is completely clear on his strategy and he communicates his goals in a succinct manner. He knows who he is and what he wants. Communication is a fundamental skill for any leader. Once they have formulated a vision, then they must be able to communicate it. And Barack Obama was a great orator as many people suggested. What he says resonates with the listener and deepens over time. He not only communicates the facts, but does it in an inspiring way. He is able to persuade his followers that he will be able to lead them to a better place. He shows himself to be a whole person, aligned in what he says, does and believes: an authentic leader.
The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. (Henry Kissinger). Accordingly, in everyday life there is always someone who has certain type of leadership that enables him/her to lead his/her followers. Thus the two types of the leaderships OBAMA display in his leadership role are charismatic and transformational leadership. Prior to discussing Obama's transformational leader we will identify how charismatic he is in his current presidency tenure. Like any other types of leadership, charismatic leaders also have a vision, willing to take personal risks to achieve that vision as well as being sensitive to follower needs. Obama for sure has all these leadership qualities. One of the charismatic leadership characteristics he has is the vision ahead of him to become the first African president of America. Becoming a president of America the powerful state in the world wouldn't come overnight. It has been a long-term strategy as even back in his days of his primary school, he just really awesome on showing his intelligence when he answers questions among his mixed culture peers. Even he was a good basket ball player back in the days, his team mates always make fun of him with his interest to read his books during flights or whenever he has a free time. He then went to law school which shows how he has great