Why Higher Education Is Important in Society?
Essay by ICYUNVME2 • November 4, 2018 • Article Review • 2,373 Words (10 Pages) • 1,148 Views
Jelani Hardy
Ms. Mcghee
English IV
16 May 2016
Why Higher Education is Important in Society?
A homeless man made something positive with his life by going to college. Christian Hopkins was a boy that grew up on the south side of Chicago that was homeless that use sports to get a free education. Christian Hopkins went to Hyde Park high school and was a 4-star recruit for football coming out of high school so he started to get offers from colleges which gave him an opportunity further his education. Once Christian made his commitment on what school he was going to attend he stuck with it and earned a college degree. Christian was lucky because he was able to take his talents to the NFL. He won a super bowl championship with the New York Giants but he it all came to an end five years later. Christian was very happy that he went to college and earned a degree to fall back on because his career came to an end. So since he has a degree he was able to get on with CPS and open up his own sports training facility called Next Level 48. A college degree is necessary for a productive career high pay which will most likely lead to a healthier happier lifestyle.
The principle motivation behind why individuals set off for college is not on the grounds that they need to but rather in light of the fact that they need to. Most secondary school seniors are compelled by their direction guides and guardians to set off for college since it is "the correct thing to do." In the essay that Caroline Bird wrote "College is a Waste of Time and Money", she expresses that understudies set off for college in light of the fact that " Mother wanted them to go, or some other reason entirely irrelevant to the course of studies for which college is supposedly organized" (481).The understudy may have diverse thoughts regarding what he or she needs to do in life, but since they believe that these "guides" recognize what is best for them, they likely wind up accomplishing something they would prefer not to do, bringing about being hopeless and angry. Let's be honest, attending a university is socially prestigious. A great many people set off for college just for the title of being known as an understudy." For some young people, it is a graceful way to get away from home and become independent without losing the financial support of their parents." (Bird 484) Understudy advance obligation frequently constrains school graduates to live with their folks and postponement marriage, money related autonomy, and other grown-up developments.” According to a 2012 Federal Reserve Study, 30-year-olds who have never taken out a student loan are now more likely to own homes than those who have taken out loans. Auto loans are also trending down at faster rates for those with student debt history than for those without. In 2013, student loan borrowers delayed retirement saving (41%), car purchases (40%), home purchases (29%), and marriage (15%). Less than 50% of women and 30% of men had passed the "transition to adulthood" milestones by age 30 (finishing school, moving out of their parents' homes, being financially independent, marrying, and having children); in 1960, 77% of women and 65% of men had completed these milestones by age 30” (Pro & Con Arguments: "Is a College Education Worth It?”). They would prefer not to be looked downward on so they do what might look at best without flinching of society. It is for all intents and purposes beaten into our heads that keeping in mind the end goal to be a profitable subject of society, you ought to have some kind of school training. Being an understudy is maybe a more respectable part than being, for instance, a janitor or a junk jockey as a result of the negative meanings such employments get. Heading off to college and getting a degree does not inexorably ensure that an individual is going to land a position directly after graduation. It is hard out there for late graduates to locate a great job following there is such a great amount of rivalry because of the expanding openness of a school training in light of the fact that an excessive number of understudies procuring degrees has weakened the estimation of a four-year certification.” Rita McGrath, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Columbia Business School, stated "Having a bachelor's used to be rarer and candidates with the degree could, therefore, be choosier and were more expensive to hire. Today, that is no longer the case." A high unemployment rate shifts the supply and demand to the employers' favor and has made master’s degrees the "new bachelor's degrees." According to James Altucher, venture capitalist, and finance writer, "college graduates hire only college graduates, creating a closed system that permits schools to charge exorbitant prices and forces students to take on crippling debt" (Pro & Con Arguments: "Is a College Education Worth It?"). Regardless of the possibility that they make get a showing with regards to, it is not for the most part not in what they got their degree for. They need to discover some kind of employment to pay off all the obligation that their school instruction has given to them.
School instruction could raise the understudy's shot of financial achievement later on. “On average, a college graduate with a bachelor’s degree earned $30,000 more per year than a high school graduate, or about $500,000 more over a lifetime, as of Apr. 2013. Earning an associate's degree (a 2-year degree) was worth about $170,000 more than a high school diploma over a lifetime in 2011 The median income for families headed by a bachelor's degree holder was $100,096 in 2011—more than double than that for a family headed by a high school graduate. The median increase in earnings for completing the freshman year of college was 11% and the senior year was 16% in 2007. 85% of Forbes' 2012 America's 400 Richest People list were college grads ” (Is college education worth it.). This will give a solid motivation for understudies to need to go to school, to be more effective financially than other people who are less taught. As appeared, it truly relies on upon the individual to control their training level, which will impact their measure of wage.
Understudies who get more instruction will probably encounter a superior future and a superior personal satisfaction. ”83% of college graduates reported being in excellent health while 73% of high school graduates reported the same. In 2008, 20% of all adults were smokers, while 9% of college graduates were smokers. 63% of 25 to 34-year-old college graduates reported exercising vigorously at least once a week compared to 37% of high school graduates. College degrees were linked to lower blood pressure in a 30-year peer-reviewed study and lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) by a Carnegie Mellon Psychology department study. In 2008, 23% of college graduates aged 35 to 44 years old were obese compared to 37% of high school graduates. College graduates, on average, live six years longer than high school graduates” (Pro & Con Arguments: "Is a College Education Worth It?"). The school does empower one to wind up financially effective, as well as it permits them to have a solid life in front of them. Regardless of the way that training is helpful to understudies, it is additionally wanted by the general public to make it more beneficial and more secure. In my opinion, training will be beneficial to the individuals who endeavor to do their best in their school and secondary school years. More training will come about with a higher probability of a positive consequence on the understudies lives and society, too.