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Why Education Is Important

Essay by   •  November 21, 2013  •  Term Paper  •  1,382 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,608 Views

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The United States has many problems, sometimes we don't really understand the problem or where they even come from. Maybe they just don't inform the people about it avoid the chaos that would come with it. I understand that they want to avoid those kinds of things. But us as the people still deserve to know where these problems come from. I would have to say that the most important problem that the United States is facing to today would have to be "The Decline of Literacy and Education".

I have four brothers, and of the four only one graduated. All of them were very smart students but did not have that person there to keep them going on the right path. It usually starts with the skipping of one or two classes and then eventually they don't show up to school at all. No Action was taken to prevent that. It was just done; it was like no one even cared. When I first started High School I had a class of 457 students, by my senior year only 260 of us graduated. 57% graduated, which is kind of good but when it's that many of us it could have been better. Today teen drop out is a big thing and it need to be a stop to it.

I think that education is important because today these minimum wage jobs are not really doing the trick. You can make so much more money if you have a high education. Yea just graduating high school is good but, is that all you want. Is that all you want to settle for. Don't cheat yourself, treat yourself. I know as a teen you get tired of trying but, it is up to you to push yourself threw that. I know when I was in high school I went through that stage where I didn't want to go to school anymore but then I realized that there is not much you can do without a high school education. Really, who wants to spend their whole life working at a fast food restaurant? On top of that when you have children how are you going to tell them how they need to finish school and you didn't. It not only affects you but it affects your children too. Education in modern society is about power. "To ask who is to be educated is to ask who is to rule." This form of education progressed until 1760 when the nationalization of the education system became a noticeable progression. They believed that making education a national topic then they could influence the students to create a better society. The church was even pressing for national education. "Education became an almost universal corrective to human and social ills. While the children were in school this gave the educators an opportunity to install desirable attitudes and habits. However, not everyone believed that the only way to create a better society was to train the children from a young age to act a certain way. Many believed that a child is born with a set of morals and virtues to prevent them from doing something that should not be done. If a child is not born with these morals and virtues then even being trained from a young age to act a certain way is not going to prevent them from doing something that the society sees as wrong. Colleges also played into the ideal of creating a better society. "The ideal French college in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was a place of salutary confinement, designed to shield growing boys from the evils of the outside world.

Between the end of the seventeenth century and the revolution, the definitive breakthrough of the majority of peasants in the north into the world of writing and literacy was more common and schools more accessible, in the towns than in the country. As a result, if the family lived in an area that was close to a good school, were above the poverty line, and did not need the children for labor, then each family could have, at the very least, one son that could receive



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