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What Were the Goals of the Progressive Movement? Aimed to Return the Control of the Government to the People and Get Rid of Corruption

Essay by   •  May 16, 2016  •  Study Guide  •  545 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,386 Views

Essay Preview: What Were the Goals of the Progressive Movement? Aimed to Return the Control of the Government to the People and Get Rid of Corruption

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Nico Savoji

*        What were the goals of the progressive movement? Aimed to return the control of the government to the people and get rid of corruption



*        Florence Kelley- Worked against women labors and child labor and tried to improve wages for all works



*        Prohibition- A legal act that limited manufacture, storage of barrels and alcohol



*        Carry Nation- Radical member of the temperance movement



*        WCTU- The Woman's Christian Temperance Union 



*        Muckrakers- Someone who was focused with cleaning up bad stuff and did not recognize the good stuff all around them



*        Robert M.La Follette- Progressive Politician who ran for president



*        Keating-Owen Act- prohibited the sales of factories that had kids working in them



*        Muller v. Oregon- Court case that justified both sex discrimination and usage of labor laws during the time period



*        Initiative- a bill from the people instead of lawmakers



*        Referendum- a vote by the electorate



*        Recall- To take back as in dialogue or an actual object



*        Seventeenth Amendment- 2 senators per state which got a term for 6 years


*        Ida Tarbell- Leading muckraker of late progressive era



*        Lincoln Steffens- Muckraker, journalist at New York Evening Post



*        Upton Sinclair- Wrote The Jungle which showed how bad working conditions were.


*        Suffrage- The work to vote in political elections


*        Carrie Chapman Catt- Carrie Catt became the leader of the NWSA and campaigned at a state and federal level and got the HOR and the senate to back her up.


*        NAWSA- National American Woman Suffrage Association


*        Nineteenth Amendment- Let woman vote


*        What was President Wilson’s stance on civil rights?

 President Wilson believed women had a point about their rights but that went all out the window when their protests became rowdy


*        What were the causes of the “twilight” of progressivism?


(The next two questions are not in your book, they are from prior knowledge.)

*        What ideas did the Progressives take from the Populists?





*        How were the people who made up the Populist Party different from those who made up the Progressive Party?  How were they similar?



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