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What Is Marijuana?

Essay by   •  September 24, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,526 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,965 Views

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Marijuana also known as pot, weed, ganja, dope, spliff, comes from the marijuana plant. The plant that produces marijuana is the hemp plant cannabis sativa. The pharmacologically active ingredient in marijuana is tetra-hydro-cannabinol. THC is a chemical that changes the way you think, feel and act. Marijuana is made from the dried leaves and flowering tops of the plant and is a green, brown or grey mixture of dried and shredded hemp leaves, stems, seeds and flowers. It is often rolled in paper so it looks similar to a cigarette; it can be used by either eating or smoking parts of the marijuana plant. Smoking is the fastest way to feel the effects of the drug. Marijuana is used to heighten perception, affect mood and relax. Its intoxication effects include relaxation, sleepiness, and mild euphoria (Sarason & Sarason, 2005).


Alcohol is a compound with chemical C2H5OH. It is made by a process called fermentation, when yeasts are placed in a medium of sugar and water under conditions of reduced air and warmth, they become biochemically active. Alcohol is a colourless, volatile, inflammable liquid. It has a sharp odor and a penetrating taste. When alcohol is made from grain, it is called ethyl alcohol, a product not toxic to humans. Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is an intoxication ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor (Edwards, 1990).

A person is said to be suffering from alcohol intoxication when the quantity of alcohol the person consumes exceeds the individual's tolerance for alcohol and produces behavioural or physical abnormalities (Edwards).

People drink not necessarily to become intoxicated; however people use marijuana for the sole purpose of getting high. Alcohol and marijuana have a number of effects in common although the mechanisms of these actions appear to be different. The major risks of intense marijuana use show some parallels with the intense risks of alcohol intoxication. First both drugs produce psychomotor and cognitive impairment, especially of memory and planning (Edwards).

Evidence of alcohol intoxication in a 25 year old male can be recognize by such signs as facial flushing, slurred speech, unsteady gait, euphoria, volubility, disorderly conduct, slowed reactions, impaired judgment and motor coordination, insensibility, or confusion. This person will also have outbursts of rage, anger or sadness. There is also a decline in personal appearance and hygiene, when intoxication increases there would be episodes of vomiting, frequent urination, blackouts and amnesia. When this person wakes up they have no recollection at all of the events that occurred (Hunt, 1982).

The early stages of alcohol and marijuana intoxication are similar; persons tend to be both dizzy and delightful in displayed behaviour. This similarity weakens as levels of intoxication increase, where as the person using alcohol becomes drunk and disorderly, the person using marijuana tends to become lightheaded, perception is heightened, giggly, rush of thoughts and ideas. Time seems to pass more slowly and distances become distorted. Persons suffering from marijuana intoxication have trouble thinking clearly and remembering things that just happened, and often suffer from paranoia and hallucinations (Alert, 2010).


Alcohol withdrawal can be defined as a group of symptoms that may occur from the sudden stoppage of alcohol consumption after a history of drinking problem. Symptoms occur as the nervous system adapts to the absence of alcohol in the body. As alcohol is eliminated from the body, symptoms and signs of alcohol withdrawal appear in direct relation to the decreasing amounts. Common signs and symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, fever, chills, skin feels itchy, ordinary sounds seem louder than usual, average light seems to be extremely bright, headaches, sweating shakiness of hands , seizures, and sleeping problems (Sarason & Sarason).


Three general steps are involved in treatment once the disorder has been diagnosed: Intervention, Detoxification and Rehabilitation.


Many people with alcohol problems do not recognize when their drinking gets out of hand. You have to help the individual understand the negative impact the alcohol abuse is having on their life, and on the lives of those around them. Let them know they can aim for a more fulfilling and sober life (Edwards).


A person with a history of alcohol drinking, who wants to stop must go through a process of detoxification. Detoxification is done in a controlled supervised setting, medications are then use to relieve withdrawal symptoms, this usually takes 4 to 7 days. Examination for other medical problems is also necessary, since liver and blood clotting problems are common (Hunt).

Eating a balanced diet with vitamin supplements is also important. Complications can occur with alcohol withdrawal, such as delirium tremens, which could be fatal. Depressions or other



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