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What Factors Should You Consider Before Taking Dietary Supplements? in What Ways Are Supplements Beneficial or Harmful?

Essay by   •  May 7, 2013  •  Essay  •  280 Words (2 Pages)  •  3,094 Views

Essay Preview: What Factors Should You Consider Before Taking Dietary Supplements? in What Ways Are Supplements Beneficial or Harmful?

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* What factors should you consider before taking dietary supplements? In what ways are supplements beneficial or harmful?

When I was taking supplements back in 2007, I didn't understand the harmful effects that would come later on in life. I focused on getting big and muscular. The supplements that I took increased my heart-rate and gave my muscles water-weight. The No-Xplode is a supplement that increases your heart-rate and thins your blood. I should have focused more on a recovery supplement that would give back nutrients to my body. Some dietary supplements are really good for your body providing the nutrients that you are missing in your everyday diet. I have found that Omega does wonders for my body.

* Adam is 14 years old and plays basketball. Recently, he has been thirsty all the time, and he gets up to urinate several times during the night. Adam has lost 10 pounds and is so tired that he has missed basketball practices. What type of diabetes is likely affecting Adam? How does this condition need to be managed? Why is it important to maintain blood-sugar levels within the normal range in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

In my opinion Adam has Type 1 Diabetes. His age and symptoms lead me to believe that it is type 1. Urinating a lot and feeling thirsty all the time is a sign that one has lack of insulin. It is important to maintain the blood-sugar levels for both type 1 and 2 because your body needs the sugar. Too much or too little sugar can be deadly for a non-insulin producing body. Adam should see a doctor as soon as possible for testing.



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