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Weighing In

Essay by   •  November 15, 2011  •  Essay  •  978 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,579 Views

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Weighing In

Having a perfect body is every woman's dream and this is because everywhere you turn there is always something reminding us that we have to look a certain way in order to be successful in career placement, relationships, and everyday life. Not everyone is the same, accomplishing this takes very hard work and exhausting everything it takes to achieve this is the beginning of the end for some women. Working out, eating healthier, having the confidence and the will power to complete this is something women lack. To accomplish such a task it takes time, motivation, and physical preparation and that is why women who have not had children succeed with this more so than women who have reared a child or two.

After having kids many women soon realize her body is never going to be the same but it can be transformed into something comparable to the before if you have the time to work on it. There are two different types of time that can affect the results; first is just simply having enough time in a day to devote to this goal. Being a mother myself I know there is not much time left in a twenty-four hour period to dedicate to a true effective workout. A long day at work, then coming home to help kids with their homework, making and feeding them supper, bathing them, and finally getting them into bed for night is extremely exhausting and therefore you just want to go to sleep so you can get up and do it all again the next day. A life without children seems much easier. I'm sure you are still busy but you don't have the motherly duties that take up the rest of the day after completing work. Therefore, the time spent on motherly duties could and should be spent on accomplishing your weight loss goal.

Second is the time spent in between having each child, or how much time spent after having children you waited to finally get the weight off. If you have children back to back it is more difficult to shed the pounds because your body has been through traumatic change and has been stretched out to the point it requires serious time in getting back into shape.

Time and motivation go hand and hand with one another. For example, you have to have the time to motivate yourself in sticking with your task at hand. Motivation is the deal breaker for this type of goal. Women who are married with children or even those who are not married but are currently involved with the child's father tend to have a certain mindset. They believe that sense they don't have to impress that special someone anymore, we have kid's he is not going anywhere why do I have to work on my body. This is a terrible way to go about it but unfortunately this is what happens. On the other hand those of us trying to impress the opposite sex have the perfect motivation to improve our looks. With this type of motivation the mindset is that you would attract someone quicker if you looked a certain



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