Week one Assignment Descriptive Statistics
Essay by Kunye Jiang • March 1, 2019 • Essay • 282 Words (2 Pages) • 1,148 Views
Week One Assignment
Descriptive Statistics
ALY 6015 21284 Intermediate Analytics
Date: 2019/01/13
Q1: Set the working directly to the location of the file, and import the dataset using R code. Using descriptive statistics, visualize this data numerically and graphically.
[pic 1]
- Summary statistics (mean, median, standard deviation, min, max, Q1, and Q3) for variable “Sepal.Width”
[pic 2]
- Create a histogram for “Sepal.Width”
[pic 3]
[pic 4]
Q2: Using height_weight_bygender.csv data file, plot a histogram of men’s and women’s height.
[pic 5]
- The histogram of men's height
[pic 6]
[pic 7]
- The histogram of women's height
[pic 8]
[pic 9]
Q3: Using the height_weight_byGender.csv file, plot a scatterplot of height by weight for either men or women using the plot function.
[pic 10]
- The scatterplot of height by weight for men
[pic 11]
- The scatterplot of height by weight for women
[pic 12]
Q4: What is an example of a statistical inference question we may ask next?
I want to ask what is the significant correlation between height and weight for either men or women, and can we describe them by R function?
[pic 13]
- R output
[pic 14]
From the results, we can see that there is indeed a correlation between height and weight and the correlation coefficient is higher for men than for women.
R Code:
setwd('/Users/jonas/Desktop/Informatics/Intermediate Analytics/Week 1')
task_data <- read.csv('assignment1.csv', header = TRUE)
Sepal.Width <- task_data$Sepal.Width
quantile(Sepal.Width, probs = c(0.25,0.75))
hist(Sepal.Width, main = "The Histogram of Sepal.Width")
setwd('/Users/jonas/Desktop/Informatics/Intermediate Analytics/Week 1')
height_weight <- read.csv('height_weight_by_gender.csv', header = TRUE)
male <- subset(height_weight, height_weight$X...Gender == "Male")
hist(male$Height..inches.,main = "The Histogram of Men's Height")