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Week 1 Mgt498

Essay by   •  March 15, 2012  •  Essay  •  679 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,570 Views

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Along with many responsibilities of management, there is other consideration that has to be involved, such as prior engagements other then the social responsibility. Management would have to also reflect on what the stakeholders' needs and occurring agenda that has been put in place. Without these agendas there will be no structure involved for the current demands the organization will need.

The contents in this paper will provide a proper explanation to better understand the world of ethics in management's constant demand. And also clarify why there are some times where change will have to be prioritized to a different standard.

When developing a strategic plan an organization will have to keep in mind of their surroundings of where the company stands in the global market. It is the responsibility of management to insure that the proper goals are set in place, taking in consideration that the goals are ethical. In an organization it is a must to know the quality of the product in demand available for the consumers demand. Also ensuring the environment standards the customers will be in at the time of purchase. Therefore the customers' satisfaction is not only pertained to the product but also the service during the time of visit, if the employees are not happy the customer will feel the animosity as well without knowing the history at all.

Presently I am working in a company with animosity held against prior workers that has been there longer than me, quite often there would come a time where customers will come up to me and ask me questions on why things are going on the way they were. Some customers would think that maybe it was something they did and actually felt at fault for the occurrences. With this being said, it was brought to the attention of upper management and the few that were involved were called in for a "meeting" that everyone who was not involved basically took it as the situation might have just been solved.

In this company there is a short in staff for months and the same people has been covering shifts all the time. But cooperate had just visited the store and made a decision that will over ride all agendas that the stakeholders had in mind. The company will now start new shifts that will work from mid afternoon shifts to the late evening, which now will add on security issues for the staff and also out of pocket costs that the stakeholders will have to dispense. The pay on most of us could be tremendous with those staff that will be pulling the slack again; this could also lead to the unemployment of those that do not take their job seriously. The hours that would be worked in the mid shift would pertain mainly toward a revamp of the entire store; also during this time will be store hours so there would be customers in the store at that present times.

This will mean that while the revamping remains, customers will also demand service pulling us away from the stakeholders'



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