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Vocabulary for Guns. Germs and Steel

Essay by   •  September 29, 2011  •  Essay  •  591 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,850 Views

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Domestication: to adapt to life in association with and to the use of humans.

Sentence: This date corresponds approximately to the beginnings of village life in a few parts of the world, the first undisputed peopling of the Americas, and the end of the Piestocence era and last ice age and the start of what geologist term of recent era. Page #35

Distinction: the distinguishing of a difference.

Sentence: Readers accustomed to uncalibrated dates will need to bear this distinction in mind whenever they find me quating apparently erroneous dates that are older than the ones with which they are familiar. Page #35

Fragmentation: to break into fragments; incomplete.

Sentence: Contributing to these differences among Polynesian Island; Island, climate, geological type, marine resources, area terrain fragmentation, and isolation. Page #58

Indigenous: produce, growing or living naturally in a particular region.

Sentence: Eurasia and Meso America developed indigenous writing, which failed to emerge in Polynesia except perhaps on Easter Island, whose mystery script may however have postdated the island contact with Europeans. Page #66

Cultivation: to prepare for the rising of crops, to foster the growth of by tilling or by labor and care.

Sentence: Only over a thousand years later, with the introduction of the ox-drawn plow, were those farmers able to extend cultivation to a much wider range of heavy soils and through sods.

Nomadic: a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place, an individual who roams about aimlessly.

Sentence: In practice, Nomadic hunter-gathers space their children about 4 years ago apart by means of locational amenorrhea, sexual abstinence, infanticide, and abortion.

Egalitarianism: belief in human equality esp. in social, political and economic affairs.

Sentence: Those complex political units are much better able to mount a sustained war of conquest that is egalitarianism band of hunters.

Neolithic: of or relating to the latest period of the stone age characterized by polished stone implements.

Sentence: Bones of domestic animals were important raw materials for artifacts of Neolithic people's before the development of metallurgy. Page #90

"Founder Crops": to make or become lame.

Sentence: Agriculture was launched in the Fertile Crescent by the early domesticating or eight crops, termed "founder crops" because they found agriculture in the region and possibly in the world. Page #141

Metallurgy: the science and technology of metals.




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