Visionary Case
Essay by 4801488563 • July 22, 2013 • Essay • 603 Words (3 Pages) • 1,365 Views
The stormed looked to be getting worst as the trees out front sway as the rain falls heavily onto the earth. I sit to admire natures works be done through the sight of my window. I watch as the enormous Oak tree, located in the center of our front yard, branches rapidly tether back and forth as the strong winds swipe through pushing it from left to right. The clouds were as dark as the fresh cup of coffee I held in my hand. With the sky being so dark at this time of morning, you would have thought it was about nine o'clock pm rather than am. I close my eyes and tilt my head back as rain drops smash against the window pane sounding like a million tiny pebbles. The rain plays a rather soothing melody that always seems to lighten the mood whenever I feel stressed or tense in any kind of way.
Opening my eyes I inch closer to the window to see that Mrs. Webber from across the street was home early from work and was about to pull into her drive way. Driving cautiously on the slippery pavement, her 2011 all white Impala finally came to a complete stop. Mrs. Webber opened her door and scurried out of the rain into her cozy little home. From the looks of this storm it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon.
With hours gone by and the storm completely over, I watch through the cloudy window as Mr. Johnson, the old man from down the street, walks by with his dogs royal blue leash in one hand and a lime green umbrella in the other. Mr. Johnson is dressed in his usual tan khaki shorts with a solid navy blue Polo Ralph Lauren collared shirt while Charley, Mr. Johnson's nine year old golden brown Saint Bernard, gallops steadily in front of him. This is usually around the time I notice Mr. Johnson and Charley go for their daily stroll around the neighborhood. The two of them continue to walk by as I sit and embrace the rest of this beautiful scenery.
I look up to the tree that was once battling for dear life during the storm, but now sits still as a motionless owl in the night time. The Oak tree sits about 15 feet tall and casts about a 12 foot shadow during the mid to late evenings when the sun is in its hours of setting. The leaves on the tree have turned from a frog-like green to a rusty brown over the years. However the leaves on the branches remain in tack even though the oak has been here for ages.
After taking in the history of our Oak tree it was then that I was bombarded with the beauty of an eye-catching rainbow that seemed to be embedded into the sky. Never have I seen such a vivid rainbow, whose colors shine brightly enough to be admired through the mucky gray clouds. The warm colors from the rainbow seemed to stick out at me the most. Red, orange, and yellow were so definite and bright. They mixed together with the cool colors creating one astonishing rainbow.
Glaring out the window seeing the precious allure of Mother Nature not only warms my heart, but also broadens my curiosity on the intake