Vba Basics
Essay by saibaba • December 19, 2016 • Course Note • 1,992 Words (8 Pages) • 1,278 Views
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The VBA Language
- The VBA Project and Components
- Data Types
- Objects
- Operators
- Essential Functions
The VBA Project
- Top‐level container for all application components
- Can be accessed and modified through code
- Requires a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility
- Requires the ‘Trust access to the VBA project object model’ option to be set in the Trust Center
- Automating the project should never be used for applications
- Only developer tools and add‐ins
VBA Components
- Directly below the project in the Project Explorer
- Four Types of Components
- Documents (application‐specific)
- Modules (general‐purpose code containers)
- Class Modules (for creating non‐visual objects)
- UserForms (for creating custom dialogs)
- Interfaces
- Created as Class Modules
- Implemented in Class Modules or UserForms
Data Types
- Variant type
- String type
- Integer types
- Boolean type
- Floating‐point types
- Scaled types
- Date type
- Enumerations
- Object types
- User‐Defined types
Variant Data Type
- The default data type
- Special ‘container’ that can hold any type of data
- Including arrays or objects
- Automatically takes on the correct data type on assignment
- Often used in ‘For Each’ or other types of loops
- Carries some overhead as the price for flexibility
- Don’t use unless necessary
- Default value is Empty
String Data Type
- For holding character (non‐numeric) data
- Two forms of strings
- Variable length (~ 2B characters)
- Fixed length (1 to 64K characters)
- VBA code will not compile if you declare a string > 64K
- Default value for variable length is an empty string (“”)
- Default value for fixed length is the size of the string filled with spaces
- All strings are stored internally as Unicode
- Automatically converted to ANSI as needed
- Byte (1 byte)
□ 0 to 255
- Integer (2 bytes)
□ ‐32,768 to 32,767
- Long (4 bytes)
□ ‐2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
- Long Long (8 bytes – only on 64‐bit systems)
□ ‐9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
- Long Ptr
- Same as Long (Dword) on 32‐bit systems
- Same as LongLong (Qword) on 64‐bit systems
- The default value for all Integer types is 0
- Used for storing True or False values
- Default value is False
- Stored as 16‐bit (2‐byte) integers, but can only be True or False
- When numerics are converted to Boolean, 0 = False, anything else = True (Not False)
- When Booleans are converted to numbers, False = 0, True = ‐1
- The most basic unit of information in computing is the bit
- Can have 2 values – 0 (cleared) and 1 (set)
- You can ‘flip’ a bit to toggle between 0 and 1
- A group of 4 bits is a nibble
- A group of 8 bits is a byte (2 nibbles) sometimes called an octet
- Groups of bytes are often referred to as words
- Word (2 bytes – 16 bits)
- Dword (4 bytes – 32 bits)
- Qword (8 bytes – 64 bits)
- Use string data type to store and display bit representations
- Values are based on their position
- Bits are usually ordered from right to left
- Least Significant Bit is on the right
- Most Significant Bit is on the left
- Bit numbering systems
- LSB 0 means the LSB is numbered as bit 0 (right to left) 76543210
- MSB 0 means the MSB is numbered as bit 0 (left to right) 01234567
- Bit values can be determined by power of 2 for their position
□ 2^0 = 1
□ 2^1 = 2
□ 2^2 = 4
□ 2^3 = 8, etc …
- Unsigned max value equals the sum of all the bit values
- Signed max is half the sum of all bit values
- Set MSB to indicate a negative value
0000 | 0000 | = | 0 |
0000 | 0001 | = | 1 |
0000 | 0010 | = | 2 |
0000 | 0011 | = | 3 |
0000 0010 | 0010 0101 | |
And 0001 0110 = 0000 0010 (2) | Or 0001 0010 = 0011 0111 (55) | Not 0101 = 1010 (10) |
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