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Us Census 2010

Essay by   •  November 16, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,312 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,519 Views

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Coordinates: 47o35′51″N 122o9′33″W

Area: 33.9 sq. miles (87.8 km²)

Population: 124,798 (2011)

Density: 3,950/sq. mi (1,524/km2)

Zip Code: 98004, 98005, 98006, 98007, 98008, 98009, 98015


Coordinates: 47o32′8″N 122o2′36″W

Area: 8.5 sq mi (21.9 km2)

Population: 30,434

Density: 3,610/sq mi (1,396.1/km2

ZIP Codes: 98027, 98029, 98075

Snohomish County

Area: 2,196 sq. mi (5,688 km²)

Population: 722,400

Density: 341/sq. mi (131.8/km²)



According to the US Census 2010, the population of Bellevue is mainly White/Caucasian with the percentage of 74.33%. The second largest ethnic group is Asian with 17%. The population is evenly split between genders. 47.42% of the population lies between the ages of 25-54. 53% are married couple family with children under the age of 18. According to City of Bellevue, 23% of the population owns a graduate degree. 32% of the population graduated college with a bachelor degree, 7% have an Associate degree, 17% has some college, and 12% has a high school diploma .

According to, the average household income for Bellevue is $82,408. The estimated median house or condo value in 2009 is $544,900 .

58% of the population works in managements and related professional fields. 21% works in sales and office occupations, 12 % works in service occupations. This leaves the last 9% works in construction, production, and transportation .


According to Zip Skinny, 83.5% of Issaquah is White/Caucasian. 47.5% of the population is female and 52.5% is male. 54.5% of the population lies within the age range of 20-59. 59.8% of the population own a bachelor degree or higher .

The area's average household income is $91,146. Of the entire population, 16.5% makes $50,000-$74,999. 18% of the population makes $100,000-$149,999; and 10.9% makes over $150,000 .

59% of the population works in management and professional fields. 24.9% works in sale and office. 7.6% works in service, and 4.7% in transportation and production. Only 1.4% of the population is unemployed .

Snohomish County

In Census 20120 report, 78.4% of the Snohomish County is White/Caucasian. 8.9% of the population is Asian, and 2.5% is black .

41.7% of the population lies within the age range of 20-59. 28.8% of the county's households are coupled families without children, and 23.6% are couples with children. 12.9% of the area's households are single females living alone, and 11.4% are single males living alone .

In 2009, median household income in the area is $64,658. Estimated median house or condo value is $333,200 .

As in Census 2010, 21.9% of the population works in manufacturing; almost 16% of the population works in wholesale and retail. More than 15% of the population works in government related field, and 10% works in healthcare and social assistance area .

Educational achievement: 87% of the county graduated high school, in which 19.7% of has been to college for one or more years. 18.4% has a Bachelor's degree, and 8% has a master degree .


PRIZM Segmentation System For Common Consumer Groups in Bellevue, Issaquah, and Snohomish County

"Movers & Shakers is home to America's up-and-coming business class: a wealthy suburban world of dual-income couples who are highly educated, typically between the ages of 35 and 54. Given its high percentage of executives and white-collar professionals, there's a decided business bent to this segment: members of Movers & Shakers rank near the top for owning a small business and having a home office. Lifestyles and media straits: order from J.Crew, attend NHL games, read Inc., watch Saturday Night Live, land Rover Range Rover."

"Up-and-Comers is a stopover for younger, upper-mid singles before they marry, have families, and establish more deskbound lifestyles. Up-and-Comers' median income is much lower than that of the Movers & Shakers group, however, this group still enjoy living a confortable, urban-chic lifestyle. Found in second-tier cities, these mobile twenty-somethings include a disproportionate number of recent college graduates



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