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United States Final

Essay by   •  April 24, 2012  •  Essay  •  687 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,535 Views

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This semester I found that the most compelling thing was when we learned about Law and Order vs. Freedom. I found it interesting and it was fun to do the, "mock trial" where every one dressed up and we had the court case about, Esperanza vs. U.S Government. I use to not know why we had certain laws and I just thought people had the freedom to do whatever they desired to. Now I know the freedoms people have and why we have the rights that citizens of the U.S have. I learned a lot more about how laws can over rule freedom and the different laws that they put in the constitution like the Patriot Act that tries to prevent terrorist acts from happening. The court case that we did in class with one side being for Esperanza and the other for the U.S Government was a fun way to learn about how Law and Order vs. Freedom worked.

Over the course of the semester I have been thinking more about why the Government is how it is and the ways that society is because of the Government and the certain amendments and laws. I would say that it is implied that Americans know their rights and freedoms. Also in the past we have had things go wrong and terribly bad that the U.S Government thought it was needed to put these laws and Amendments in the constitution to protect the U.S and the citizens rights. The questions I have are, I want to know why in some other states their laws are either different than what the constitution says or they are twisted in a way that is different from other states. Also I was wondering why in some other states they have different rights to people because we all are in America and I don't get why the rights of the citizens would vary from state to state.

The assignment/project that I am most proud of so far this year is the Cultural Critique Blog Post that we did near the beginning of the year. I believe that I did my best on it and I actually got into the project figuring out what I wanted to do on it. I am proud of it because the song that I chose reflected on an ideology that I was interested in. I also thought this was one of the more fun projects because we got to pick a song that we liked and talk about how it reflected certain ideologies and popular culture. I think I did fairly well on this project also and I had fun putting it all together.

This assignment demonstrates the American ideologies of our culture and how we are either taking the wrong steps in life or how Americans are reshaping the Ideology to make it better. Also the assignment reflected the dominant ideology of a certain society. My specific project was a song where they basically said that American society is being doomed because people are taking the wrong steps and going down and it will be hard for these people to climb back up and make everything right again. In the song I chose it also talks about how people should not just give up their dreams and throw it away, they should keep fighting for it and never give up.




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