Truth About 9/11 - the Government Is Lying About 9/11
Essay by Kill009 • August 22, 2012 • Thesis • 3,297 Words (14 Pages) • 1,881 Views
The Government is Lying about 9/11
Composition II
Charles Eric Gault
May 25, 2012
The Government is Lying about 9/11 pg.2
The day no one will ever forget. The most heinous act of this era, and a crime that would have ramifications and lead to wars in two countries. Without question the most horrifying event I have ever seen, and that's saying a lot because understand, I know pain and death very well. So much death and destruction live on every screen worldwide! I find it mind boggling that people are not still asking questions and demanding the truth. Apathy, indifference, ignorance or complicity cannot have a majority over the just, intelligent, and honest in our country period. I have no doubt, and anyone who has done any kind of research should conclude, the U.S government is lying about 9/11.
The entire year I was in a state of outrage, upset still about the presidential election and its outcome. Many Americans shared my belief that the election had been stolen. The Supreme Court, the Florida Election Committee, and conservatives in the Electoral College had shafted Al Gore, the Constitution, and everything our nation represents. I was beside myself with outrage and indignation. Where was the investigation? Why wasn't I seeing protests and hearings in Congress? Little did I realize that one day the hypocrisy of the 2000 election would be dwarfed by the shocking abuse of power, and the biggest crime the world has known in our lifetimes! What person could ever forget where they were and what you were doing that morning. I had slept in after a night of drinking and awoke alone. I walked across the street to the corner store and was shocked at the sight of the first tower burning and the billowing smoke on CNN! Rushing back to my apartment I turned on the television to witness the second plane strike. The chill that ran down my body I shall never forget. The way my heart sank, and the empathy that enveloped me, I pray to never experience again the moment that tower fell. After more than a decade that one day still
The Government is Lying about 9/11 pg.3
overshadows and influences many aspects of our society and countless lives. Where is the outrage over the lies that have been told to the American Public? Why isn't there inquiries and litigation to uncover the falsehoods the official version of events contain? What happened to truth justice and the American Way?
According to the 911 commission, 19 hijackers, directed by Osama Bin Laden, took over four commercial jets with box cutters and, while evading the Air Defense System (NORAD), hit 75% percent of their targets. World Trade Towers 1, 2, & 7 collapsed due to structural failure through fire in a "pancake" fashion, while the plane that hit the Pentagon vaporized on impact, as did United Flight 93 the plane where passengers resisted. The 9/11 commission found that there were no warnings for this act of Terrorism, while multiple government failures caused insufficient defense. (Kean/Hamilton, 2004)
The targets of the September 11th attack aside from the jetliners, were some of the most famous and unique buildings in the world. The World Trade Center was a collection of seven buildings in lower Manhattan, including the famous Twin Towers, which were once the world's tallest buildings. By the end of the day all of them were either leveled or severely damaged. The Pentagon is the administrative heart of the U.S. military establishment and is the largest office building in the world. (Kean/Hamilton, 2004) Flight 11 was commandeered at 8:15 A.M. Flight 175 was commandeered at 8:42 A.M. Flight 77 was commandeered at 8:46 A.M. At 8:46 World Trade Center Building 1 was hit by a 767 jetliner. At 9:03 A.M. World Trade Center building 2 was hit by a jetliner. There is famous footage of President George W. Bush in a Florida classroom reading "My Pet Goat" when he is informed of the second tower being struck.
The Government is Lying about 9/11 pg.4
He continued to read for seven more minutes before leaving by military escort. His itinerary had been released and anyone could know where he was. Why wasn't he rushed to safety when the government first learned of the hijackings? How could they not act to protect and secure the leader of the "free world", unless they knew he was not a target? At 9:16 Flight 93 was commandeered. At 9:38 the Pentagon was struck by a jetliner. How could the terrorist manage to evade fighter planes that many minutes and attack the Pentagon which should've been well protected being in the nation's capitol!
The cities and military installations in the U.S. are normally defended from airborne attack of any type by NORAD, which monitors all air traffic in our North America in real time. Usually interceptors are sent at the slightest notion of abnormality. Pilots are supposed to hit each fix with point accuracy. If a plane deviates by degrees, or two miles the flight controller will hit a panic button. (FromThe Wilderness, 2004) In fact planes are routinely given escorts my military jetfighters! From September 2000 to June 2001 airliners were intercepted for being up to ten minutes off course 67 times. (Nowrasteh, 2007) Can you remember the movie "War Games" where the alarms and whistles go off when the unknown objects are hurtling through the monitors and the airspace? Or how about "Armageddon", in which meteorites causes a similar commotion at NORAD and NASA? In 2000 NORAD had 67 intercepts with 100% percent accuracy. On 9/11 they failed 4 times in one day. How could the terrorists break so many layers of security FOUR TIMES? What if I told you that on the very day of the attacks our government was engaged in war games, exercises and simulations involving the exact same scenario?
The Government is Lying about 9/11 pg.5
Several different war game exercises were in play on the day of the attack. (FromThe Wilderness, 2004) In fact, in at least one of the many war games going on the morning of 9/11 planes being flown into buildings were a scenario. The limited public information available shows that they simulated hijackings, attacks on buildings using aircraft as missiles, and attacks using toxic or infectious substances. The actual attack involved four alleged hijackings, three jetliner crashes into buildings, and the toxic calamity at Ground Zero.