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Transparent: What Is There to Live For?

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Philosophy Final Exam/Paper Question/Topics

        Choice from four questions- each with 2 parts

                        Textual 50%

                        Personal 50%

Eight to ten pages

        First part 5-6 pg

        Second Part 3-4 pg

You carry all these author’s beliefs in the authors we have read. Everything is connected historically and culturally, and there is something larger than ourselves.  

        Example: Slave mentality- we all have it because we see what is useful for us.

                This isn’t a disease, it is who we are. Everything we touch, see, and learn forms who we are

First Part Like reading analysis: side by side with book BIG PICTURE

Second Part

Question Four:

Part I: Ideologies

Part II:


B) Ethics and politics intertwined in stiegler

C) You I

Question Three:

Part I:

        Be very Specific to answer all the questions and just those parts

                Free spirt, noble spirit, multiplicity

                Theory of Nietzche and Goldman of what the individual is

Nietzche: Individual is not free, unless the free themselves and understand the will to power

Goldman: Anyone that can argue/have an opinion and not fear authority

(rugged individualism and individualism

Question two:

Part I:

It is political

Nietzche: What is he doing in Genealogy? Why  Reality: Multiplicity (create meanings and values

Marx: We need to change ideologies

What is Genalogy? A history of moral obligations

First part is all textual

Second part is a creation and reflection on what you know of life

Like Mill’s view of the genius: always needing to have growth

Stiegler =Traditional

Thesis: We can’t really live without having the nonexistent/impossible thing in our life.

The infinite

        Pharmacon carries the infinite

Once you transfer care (feeling [trust, infidelity, etc.]) you need to have something worth caring for

Example: Mom cares for you it is transferred by the transitional object

                        Give the baby a teddy bear- care is transferred

Once you make something tangible (popcorn, heaven) takes meaning away from this life.

The way we create meaning is bad because we are taking away meaning

Today’s religion is science

        Example: Just give me the data, everything can be quantified = positivism  

To be able to conclude: What is going to happen?

Crisis: not just economic, but a crisis of meaning

Based on Affects:

        Example: Trump and Bernie

                Stiegler- We are sick and tired of things that are structured and lined up

                                Looking for meaning

                                        Analyze what people are doing

We change meaning by trans-individual

 Relations: Three Levels

  1. Affects
  2. Body
  3. Meaning

Read the final prompt to get some of Stiegler’s main arguments/ideas

Today is a global culture:

What are the processes?

  1. Curative projection processes
  2. Processes of anamnestic transindividuation
  3. Normative individuation processes
  4. Sublimation processes
  5. Processes of expropriation
  6. Processes of Disapprenticeship
  7. Processes of Grammatizion
  8. Processes of Disindividuation
  9. Processes for production and consumption of energy
  10. Collective individuation Processes
  11. Instrumental Processes
  12. Processes of Internalization
  13. Processes of chemical combination
  14. Processes of Adoption
  15. Processes of Interiorization

Ex: Nehilism

Social Reality:

        Culture and Physic

                You have a relation of care of with it

                        This is where we have morality

                                We are born in the culture, and whether we reject or accept it we still have it in us

                                        It is all the affects, you belong to the culture even if you are resisting it

Culture is changing because of Capitalism

        Capitalism is a pharmacon




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