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Essay by   •  October 26, 2016  •  Course Note  •  1,474 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,452 Views

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The reaction of the general public towards the subject of transhumanism is described in Text 2: Mike Jones: Chip Implants and Synthetic Blood Freak Out most Americans, and of which we can see that the Americans have quite a couple of issues surrounding topics such as chip implants, synthetic blood and gene editing. Some of the reactions encompass [a]worries about different financial status among the population, and how the people with economic stability [b]would have a huge advantage compared to people with little or no money, due to the fact that these [c]people would be able to afford transhuman-improvements, and therefore sustain and gain an even more superior social class than ever before, resulting in even more inequality among people than what we already experience.[d] Additionally, creating a ‘superhuman’ via various genetically enhancing procedures would leave the rest of the population behind, again contributing to the nonequivalence betwixt humans.

In text three[e], she whom speaks [f]talks very good [g]about trans humanism[h], what it could do, how it works. Like she is trying to sell us transhumanism. There is not like [i]any arguments, it’s just a amplifying and selling speech. She is trying to teach us, that we need this. When she talks about it, there are no negative things, only positive.  

In text four, the ethical and moral fields of transhumanism are discussed, for instance transcending the human race by adding additional characteristics and qualities.[j]

The text describes that changing these features would maybe actually improve humans as a race, like what transhumanism's [k]say, because these features are actually just holding us back as people, and improving them would mean improving humans.
But on the other hand, the things that
makes [l]us human are utterly our errors and imperfections, and removing those imperfections would be removing the humanism[m].

Text four comes with [n]arguments on both sides of the spectrum; why transhumanism crosses the line, but also some of the benefits from performing transhuman medical measures. On one hand, we have the pros; the reasons why transhumanism and improving human beings through for example biotechnological or genetic changes could make mankind an enhanced version of itself. For instance, making our physical performance more efficient by boosting muscle mass with different substances, is a way of improving the human body.

“If it were technologically possible, why wouldn't we want to transcend our current species?”

A question, that may seem easy to answer, but contains lot of morality and ethic[o]. Because if we could change the whole way that humans work and function, would we then be human afterwards? [p]Changing all of our features like physical strength and mental health may sound tempting, like the text says;

“The human race, after all, is a pretty sorry mess”

And if we had the ability to change some of the things that hold us back, why would we not?

On the other hand, modifying ourselves would be modifying the entire human race, because a part of being human includes things like feeling jealous, feeling sad, dying, and these are all things we at some point in our life will experience, but like the text says;

“Our good characteristics are intimately connected to our bad ones”

So without dying, you would not have living[q], and without feeling sad, you would no [r]feel happy. So why remove or change something that contributes to some of the greatest pleasures in life.[s]



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