To What Extent Do Relationships Affect Macbeth's Actions?
Essay by Woxman • June 17, 2012 • Essay • 1,025 Words (5 Pages) • 1,839 Views
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To what extent do relationships affect Macbeth's actions?
Relationships are essential to all humans, they affect a person's mind, soul and overall life. In the play Macbeth, relationships play a big role in contributing to the central character, Macbeth, into the decisions, which leads to his actions that he proceeds with in his everyday life.These acts are shown and proven through the relationship he has with his wife, Lady Macbeth, The three deceitful witches and the relationship between himself and the supernatural world.
Beyond all the relationships connected to Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, has the strongest impact on Macbeth and his choices. Her greed for power forced him to do the unwanted; to assassinate King Duncan so that Macbeth can become the King, thus making her Queen. Before Lady Macbeth knew about the three prophecies, Macbeth was unsure of what he wanted to do, he stated that if he was meant to become king, it would happen naturally. Lady Macbeth realized immediately the power that would be to come to both of them once they had created their own fate based on these prophecies coming true. She saw this as a chance to gain power. When Lady Macbeth saw how weak Macbeth was, trying to back down of his word, she challenged his manhood by saying 'Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since? And wakes it now to look so green and pale At what it did so freely? From this time, Such I account thy love " (Act 1, Scene 7, line 35-40) also, by hurting his pride "To be the same in thine own act and valor As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life, And live a coward in thine own esteem, Letting "I dare not" wait upon "I would, "Like the poor cat in th' adage? (Act 1, Scene 7, line 40-45). By doing so, she has convinced Macbeth of following through with the plan to kill King Duncan.
During the first act of the play Macbeth, Macbeth and Banquo first encountered the three witches after a victorious battle, unable to know if they were fictional or trustworthy they began telling Macbeth of their prophecies. Approaching him with delightful greetings "Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor" "Macbeth shalt be king hereafter" (Act 1, Scene 3, line 49) By hearing this prediction it has changed the man Macbeth was, by creating an ambiance of evil in his path which he has to battle through to become King of Cawdor. Already pondering of what the luxurious life would be like Macbeth suffers with the superficial thoughts of a selfish man. No longer mourning the death of Duncan, he strived to beat fate and become King. The witches have impacted Macbeth's life by leaving him searching for answers to his questions, and ends to his fearful thoughts. The witches appear before Macbeth's eyes and commence a conversation between them, interrupted by a bloody apparition who begins to tell Macbeth news that Macbeth is far too glad to hear, "Be bloody, bold,