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Themes and Narrative Elements

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Themes and Narrative Elements

Darryl McDaniel

Introduction to Literature

Instructor Jennifer Thompson

February 18, 2013

To start off the short story book that I have chosen is, "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty. R. Wayne Clugston (2010) points out: "Perhaps, when thinking about what theme means, it's best to be clear about what it does not mean. The theme in a piece of literature is not a summary of the plot; it is not a statement about a dominant impression or mood; it is not a moral or proposition; it is not the attitude of the writer." (7.1) The theme in this short story is, love. Though quite old and suffering from ailments, Phoenix Jackson regularly walks a long distance to obtain medicine for her grandchild.

Eudora Welty presents the story in third-person point of view. She reveals the thoughts of the main character, Phoenix Jackson, in discussion in which Phoenix Jackson talks to herself. Welty. R. Wayne Clugston (2010) notes, the author also sometimes reveals the activity of Phoenix's mind in the narration, as in the following passage: "Down there, her senses drifted away. A dream visited her, and she reached her hand up, but nothing reached down and gave her a pull." (6.3) From reading certain words used by writer of this short story referring to Phoenix Jackson as an "an old Negro woman" you can view the writer is from this 1940 error as being called a "negro" being a person of color would be normal. Also other quotes such as "The cones dropped as light as feathers"(6.3) I was able to assume the writer was from the country as well and was used to using the terminologies she provided.

Throughout this short story, I was able to come across six characters,

* Phoenix Jackson: Very old black woman with poor eyesight who walks a long distance to obtain medicine for her grandchild. She is the main character.

* White Hunter: Man who helps Phoenix to her feet after she falls into a ditch.

* Black Children: Children Phoenix encounters just before she reaches Natchez.

* Natchez Pedestrian "Missy": Woman who ties Phoenix's shoes.

* Attendant: Receptionist in a physician's office.

* Nurse: Physician's nurse, who gives Phoenix medicine for her grandchild.

* Grandson of Phoenix: Child who once swallowed lye. He requires medicine to treat his throat.

When saying love, in a story or any word, which reflects feeling, are strong action words



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