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The Truth Behind Friends

Essay by   •  May 13, 2013  •  Essay  •  494 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,531 Views

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The Truth Behind Friends

In life you meet many people, some good, and some bad. Friends can make a big difference in your life, and determine if that difference is going to be good or bad. The people you hang out with can decide what kind of person you turn out to be. So obviously you want true friends around you, friends who care about you and don't use you. So this brings me to my point, I believe in true friends.

For me friends were always there for me, but there was one kid who used me an entire year until I finally moved past him and on with my life. I was in 7th grade and I wasn't the most popular kid around, but I did have friends. I felt like the cooler kids always had extra attention around them and people respected them more. Then one day one the more popular kids came up to me, his name was Nick. He asked me if he could borrow some money for lunch and that he would pay me back the next day. A few weeks went by and he didn't pay me back, but he did introduce me to the other kids he hung out with. He continued to borrow money from me but never played me back. At the end of the year he stopped talking to me and he never paid me back. It just goes to show you that true friends don't use you for the things you have, but hang out with you for your personality.

Recently I read a book called Lord of the Flies by William Golding and in the book kids had to fend for themselves on a stranded island. As I was reading it I related to one of the main characters Ralph. He was best friends with another main character named Piggy. They stood by each other's side always and neither gave up on each other. After Piggy's death in the novel Ralph wasn't the same. Ralph had a completely different relationship with Jack who used him for his resources then betrayed him and basically killed Ralph's true friend Piggy. Ralph said at the end of the book "I weep for humanity; I weep for my true friend" (Golding)

I also have read parts of Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke. His basic idea during this essay was that people are naturally good in the inside. Real friends are exactly like this; they treat you nicely and don't use you. While on the other hand some people just have bad intentions.

There are always people in your life that you will meet and regret that you met them later, but doesn't matter when you find a right friend who doesn't use you for the car that you drive, the amount of money in your bank account, or even your grades. A true friend won't leave and won't manipulate you but will help you instead.



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