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The Secret Behind the Door

Essay by   •  March 17, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  2,237 Words (9 Pages)  •  2,258 Views

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The Secret Behind The Door !

The Secret Behind The Door Is A story about a typic poor girl - Elena whose whole financial life changes after the death of her father, she becomes poor and infamous in school. her mother has to work in order to pay her school fees as well as her younger sister Alifiyah's Fee's - Alifiyah has a bad attitude and simply doesn't care about their financial state whilst Elena is the total opposite.

This Is How The Story Goes :

A girl called Elena lives in the small town of drampus in the north of lincolnshire, Elena is a Girl Who's life changed after her father died in a car crash she started becoming unpopular in school and poorer day by day she has two friends in school who are rich and spoilt brats they go by the names of Kadey and Keesha Also known in school as the hotties of the school they let alifiyah that is elena's younger sister in the gang but refused to let elena because of her mix and match in clothes and her nerdy glasses although they do make her do all their excess works, homeworks and assignments of school.

This particular day everything had been going wrong for elena she had a bad day at school because of the insults she had to bear from everyone in the school and getting kicked out in every single lesson of the day.

All Elena then wishes For is to get home and then a small wish that was secret hidden in her heart she wished that her life would change and be the total opposite of what it was she wished that she would be the hottie of the school she would have tha fancyu accesories she would have people doing her work and that she would have evrysingle thing possible.

Soon, Elena gets home after a bad day at school only to see her mother gone out and Alifiyah getting ready for another every friday late night partying with her friends - when she enters Alifiyah's room and greets hert she is replied with a long cue of insults she quietly leaves Alifiyah's romm that was now smelling of strong rasasi perfume and goes to her own quiet little room there she sits quietly and sobs untils she almost fell asleep when she hear alifiyah calling nout to her she peeped out of her room to see alifiyah who just told her that she was leaving for her friend 'Kadey's Party ' .

She said goodbye to her sister and just about entered her room when she heard a rumbling sound only to realise that it had come from her own stomach because elena had not eaten anything since the day before she turned around and went to her kitchen when a white crumpled piece of paper caught her eye she picked up that paper and headed towards the trashcan to throw it inside thinking that this must be one of alifiyah's shopping receipts just when she was about to drop the paper inside the dustbin she heard a faint whisper "open it!" she turned to look around the room only to see that no one was around when once again she was about to drop the paper in the basket she heard tha same faint whisper "open it" and this time she did as she was told.

inside the paper she saw the word in perfect cursive handwriting that would make anyone feel like something special has been written she saw the words:

" In Your world you are miserable,

you are cold and lonely and afraid,

you are haunted by the fear of you false imperfections,

day and night,

alas, you my precious one are alot more than perfect ..

Oh My love, Do Not ignore this

for this is you ticket to the free sky's

you break through this hell like prison

Oh the apple of my eye

Keep this paper close to your heart

and one day ..

It will surely chnge your life "

Something in her heart urged her to keep this paper and thats exactly what she did, she placed the paper in her pocket and walked towards her room on her way there she glanced at the clock in her hallway and looked at the tim it was only seven o'clock that is four more hours before her mom comes back and literally along time before alifiyah returns home all psyched up.

she walks to her bed feeling sleepy all of a sudden and lies on her bed and within second she's in deep sleep .

thats when something strange happened she smelt something delicious like a mix of a delicious veggie stir fry her favourite and at the same time she heard her tummy grumbling so she got up from her bed in time to see a white light forming on the wall the light at first was so bright that she had to keep her eyes guarded with the back of her hand then it slowly started forming something sjhe went closer to it and closet only to see a bright pink door formed and on the front of the door it was written in the same cursive handwriting :

" Welcome my love to the world of your dreams ,

the paper brought your miracle to life,

step in and immerse yourself in the life ..

that you my dear only you deserve "

she gave a huge wide smile and stepped inside the door the moment her leg stepped in the door she fell inside and banged her head and then landed with a loud thump Elena had fallen unconsious but soon regained her consciousness finding herself surrounded by her mother her sister and her friends in a room that looked totally amazing and wild to her she got up straight only to have her suster telling her to lie down again and the sweet voice she had used seemed to Elena Like she was another person slowly it all came back to her the paper the light and the pink door she eventually got up straight even after a hundred thousand refusals from her mom sister and friends and managedt to give them a shy smile and ask the where she was " Why youre in your own room my love and how are you feeling now ? " her mother replied,



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