The Influences of the Puritans
Essay by tintin21 • November 21, 2012 • Essay • 614 Words (3 Pages) • 1,517 Views
The Influences of the Puritans
During the time period of 1630 through the 1660's, the New England colonies were influenced by the values and the ideas that the Puritans held. New England was influenced in the political, economic and social development of their colonies. Overall, the purpose for coming to America was to have religious freedom. It was a part of life, and it actually helped to form America with having influences.
Religion meant so much to the Puritans. It meant a lot to them that it led them to find educations for others. Schools were being built and a lot was taught. More advanced learning techniques were being looked for to be taught, "One of the next things we longed for, and looked after was to advance Learning..." (Document E). Latin and English were being taught at the schools so it was a chance for the children to learn how to read the Bible in those languages without a problem. The Puritans were the ones that started the foundations for Yale and Harvard University.
As New England began to expand with the education that the Puritans had brought because of their religion, it reminded the people that New England was first a place all about religion before it turned into a trading location for others, "this is never to be forgotten that New England is originally a plantation of Religion, not a Plantation of Trade," (Document J). As religion was becoming a big part in New England, everyone had to learn to not exceed their limitation of power. It was stated that God is the only one that gives out an amount of power to others, "and for the people, in whom fundamentally all power lies, to give as much power as God in His word gives to men," (Document H). It was said that the government shouldn't have a lot of power, it was said that the church should also limit their power, women had to give their power over to their husbands, children and servants had their own certain amount of freedom and control.
Religion wasn't very strict when it came to having things specifically. It wasn't enforced in any civil state, if it were, it would have caused many problems for others. People had the ability of freedom to choose what religion they wanted to be a part in. However, people that were already in their religion while accepted other religions as well were known as to be false, "He that is willing to tolerate any religion, or discrepant way of religion, besides his own, unless it be in matters merely indifferent, either doubts of his own or is not sincere in it," (Document G). It was said to believe that the people didn't want to do anything that offended the church in any way, even if it meant to not be rude to others if they were into the church or not, "We resolve to approve our selves to the Lord in our particular callings; shunning idleness as the bane of any state; nor will we deal hardly or oppressingly