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The Impact Social Media on the Global Economy

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"Discuss the impact Social Media has had on the global economy as far as business-related interaction is concerned"Implementation mechanisms for the Waste Strategy

5.1 Roles and responsibilities


The implementation of the NWMS requires the identification of the different role-players and the roles and responsibilities that each are expected to play. There are three broad categories of role-players which are considered, namely the state, the private sector and civil society.

5.1.1 The role of the state


The state is comprised of three spheres of government, namely national, provincial and local government, and organs of state, including parastatals and agencies, the executive and the legislature. The three distinct roles of the state are:

*Policy making functions that encompass the establishment of norms, standards and targets, the system of planning for service expansion and improvement, as well as coordination and policy development activities.

*Regulation, which includes the preparation of regulations, listing and licensing of waste management activities, compliance and enforcement, and declaration of priority wastes.

*Waste service delivery, including the collection, transport and disposal of domestic waste, which is a municipal function.


As a principle of good governance, there should be separation of the regulatory role, particularly in terms compliance monitoring and enforcement, from the policy-making and service-provision roles. This is particularly important in instances where a department is responsible both for the delivery of waste management services and the overall regulation of the waste management sector.


The application of norms and standards, and the regulation of waste management activities, needs to be applied across both public and private sector providers equitably. Without clear role separation, it will not be possible to ensure unfettered and meaningful regulation of waste management activities.

5.1.2 Vertical division of responsibilities


Informed by the Constitutional assignment of powers and functions to the different spheres of government, the Waste Act assigns clear responsibilities to each sphere of government in relation to waste management activities.


Local government is responsible for the provision of waste management services, which includes waste removal, waste storage and waste disposal services, as per Schedule 5b of the Constitution. Municipalities are obliged to designate a waste management officer from their administration to co-ordinate matters pertaining to waste management. They must also submit an integrated waste management (IWMP) plan to the MEC for approval. The IWMP needs to be integrated into municipal integrated development plans (IDP), and the municipal annual performance report must include information on the implementation of the IWMP.


At their discretion, municipalities may set local waste service standards for waste separation, compacting of waste, management and disposal of solid waste, amongst others. Local standards must be aligned with any provincial and national norms and standards where these exist. In particular, where municipal by-laws on waste disposal exist, these must be aligned with Chapter 4 Part 6 of the Waste Act as described in Section 3.9 of the strategy. Municipalities may also require transporters of waste to register on a list of waste transporters.


Provincial government is obliged to promote and ensure the implementation of the NWMS and national norms and standards. Similarly to local government, it must designate a provincial waste management officer responsible for co-ordinating matters pertaining to waste management in the province. It must also prepare an IWMP and prepare an annual performance report on its implementation, both of which must be submitted to the Minister for approval. The provincial government is also deemed the primary licensing authority for waste activities for which the Minister is not deemed



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